AI in GRC: Risks and Opportunities You Must Know with Raghuram Srinivas

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Explore how AI is transforming the Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) landscape in this insightful episode featuring Raghuram Srinivas, Head of Products and Innovation at MetricStream. We discuss the critical risks and opportunities AI presents in GRC, ethical considerations like bias and data privacy, and the future of risk management in an AI-driven world.

Gain valuable insights into navigating AI regulations, the evolving role of human oversight, and the skills essential for professionals to thrive in this changing landscape. Raghuram shares his extensive experience in Risk Management, Cyber Security, and Sustainability, offering actionable strategies for businesses to implement AI responsibly while enhancing efficiency and decision-making.

If you're a Chief Risk Officer or a professional looking to stay ahead in the GRC space, this conversation is a must-watch. If you want to be our guest or suggest a guest, send your email to with the subject line “Podcast Guest Suggestion.”

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