Transforming Your Company with Operational Resilience

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Our guest, Rachel Riley, co-founder and head of GRC ESG at Ansarada, shares her profound insights on the significance of operational resilience in today’s fast-paced and unpredictable business landscape.

With a rich background in risk management, compliance, and sustainability, Rachel's journey from a promising career in accounting to pioneering in GRC and operational resilience offers invaluable lessons for professionals across sectors.

We discussed the challenges companies face in implementing a formal resilience framework, the impact of regulatory landscapes on resilience efforts, and the innovative strategies businesses can adopt to navigate emerging operational risks, including cybersecurity threats and climate change implications.

Rachel also sheds light on common misconceptions about operational resilience and provides practical advice for organizations looking to bolster their defensive capabilities against disruptions.

If you're a Chief Risk Officer, involved in cyber security, or interested in sustainability and risk management strategies that can transform your company, this episode is packed with actionable insights. If you want to be our guest or suggest someone with unique insights into risk management, cyber security, or sustainability, send your email to with the subject line "Podcast Guest Suggestion."

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