Crisis Management Secrets: Turning Challenges into Opportunities - Lessons from Kevin Torf

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In this episode of Risk Management Show, we uncover crisis management secrets with Kevin Torf, a project management pioneer and author of "Getting the Job Done." Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the tech industry and his role as founder of T2 Group, Kevin shares actionable insights on turning challenges into opportunities, fostering organizational agility, and managing large-scale projects effectively.

From his innovative hybrid agile methodology to lessons learned from managing IT infrastructure in healthcare during crises like COVID-19, this discussion is packed with strategies to help organizations thrive under pressure.

We discussed risk management, cyber security, sustainability, and the importance of teamwork in achieving success. If you’re a Chief Risk Officer, compliance manager, or anyone navigating the complexities of crisis management, this episode is for you. Kevin also sheds light on the significance of preparation, planning, and reflection to anticipate challenges and ensure resilience in both personal and professional life.

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