Ex-CIA Agent Reveals: Middle East Risk Assessment Secrets

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Ex-CIA Agent Reveals Middle East Risk Assessment Secrets: Michele Rigby Assad shares insights from her CIA experience and corporate advisory work. In this episode, we delve into the challenges multinational corporations face when expanding into conflict-prone areas, particularly in the Middle East.

Michele, author of "Breaking Cover" and "Get Off the X," discusses effective risk assessment methodologies, balancing security with profitability, and navigating cultural nuances in Arab business environments. She shares a compelling case study from her CIA days, highlighting the importance of trusting instincts in intelligence gathering.

Learn how Michele's unique background informs her approach to corporate risk management and gain valuable insights on:

- Conducting thorough risk assessments in opaque business environments

- Understanding local stakeholders and regional differences within countries

- Adapting to rapidly changing geopolitical landscapes

- Overcoming cultural challenges as a woman in Middle Eastern business

Discover the "Get Off the X" mindset for conquering obstacles in both personal and professional spheres. Michele's expertise offers invaluable lessons for risk managers, business leaders, and anyone interested in geopolitical risk.

Check out her books below!

👇 Get Off the X: CIA Secrets to Conqering Obstacles and Achieving Your Life's Mission https://www.amazon.com/Get-Off-Conquering-Obstacles-Achieving/dp/1947297996/

Breaking Cover: My Secret Life in the CIA and What it Taught Me About What's Worth Fighting For https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Cover-Secret-Taught-Fighting/dp/1496419596/

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