Navigating Uncertainty: Harnessing Risk Intelligence for Strategic Success with Ryan Napoleone.

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Our guest, Ryan Napoleone, Director, Product - Governance, Risk, and Compliance at Resolver, sheds light on the significance of risk intelligence in today's dynamic business landscape. 

Tune in to learn how risk intelligence can serve as a compass for leaders, enabling them to steer their organizations through uncertain times and capitalize on emerging possibilities.

We discussed the following questions among others:

How can Risk Intelligence drive strategy formulation and decision-making at the organizational level? 

Understanding the concept of risk intelligence and its significance in creating value for organizations and what are the key differences between risk management and risk intelligence? 

In the context of Risk Intelligence, how can organizations gain valuable insights from risk data? Are there any specific tools or techniques that can be used?

What is the importance of Risk Culture in developing Risk Intelligence within an organization?

and more...

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