The importance of knowing the ethical implications of AI systems with Eric Yu

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In this episode we dive deep into the world of AI ethics and we're thrilled to have Eric Yu as our guest. Eric is a Principal Solutions Architect within the Data Ethics Practice at SAS.

Eric has supported financial services, health, and life science customers for the past eighteen years with their SAS technology adoption, analytics maturity, and cloud migration journey.

Eric will be shedding light on ethical choice awareness and sensitivity to AI risks and discussing the following issues among others:

- Translating ethical principles into practical operations within a company;

- How does SAS actively engage stakeholders in the design, development, deployment, and use of AI technologies?

- The major misconception in the AI ethics space;

- How does the "Ethics Circles Ambassadors" program work to raise ethical choice awareness within SAS;

- For individuals interested in pursuing a career in AI ethics, what advice would you give them, and what skills and knowledge should they focus on developing? and more…

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