Danger, Will Robinson! Stay out of harm’s way! Is that sentiment present at your financial institution, with unseen problems lurking with all the contracts in each department? The contract problems vary: outdated templates, multiple versions in circulation, no monitoring of renewal dates, no central repository, lack of compliance/due diligence as well as service level agreements. And in addition to that, there’s the issue of e-signature and how contracts are finalized. And if these challenges do exist in your financial institution, who wants to spearhead these process changes? This workshop will address:
- The evolution of electronic signatures and documents
- How best to utilize e-signature throughout your financial institution
- Addressing regulatory compliance for e-signature
- Assessing the situation of your contract management and signature workflows
- Best practices in the evolution of the contract, i.e. drafting, negotiating, finalizing, enacting
- Insights on the benefits of automation to gain control of your fiduciary responsibilities through contracts
- The importance of managing third party risk by automating and capturing the data
By automating e-signature and contract management, you’ll have seamless workflows that protect your financial institution – here and beyond!