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  • My name is Juan Esteban Gonzales Garcia, I am a Civil Engineer with Master of Science, line in Territorial Management and Disaster Risk Management, with PhD in Science, mention environmental management and natural resources. I have more than 20 years of professional experience, serving in public government and educational entities, as well as in private entities through consultancies. I have extensive knowledge and experience in the management, formulation and management of projects, planning and public budgeting, as well as in risk management. Currently I carry out the educational work at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, where through teaching skills – learning, I meet the objectives and goals proposed in the educational models of each institution; as well as external consultancies in the civil engineering branch. I am a Diploma Prevention Officer (MYSA-UNC), Technical Inspector of Building Safety (ITSE), accredited by the Ministry of Housing, and Risk Assessor Originated by Natural Phenomena, accredited by CENEPRED (R.J. No. 106-2019-CENEPRED/J). I also have the international certification of Project Management Professional (PMP), issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

    I am a pro positive person, with great capacity for adaptation and continuous improvement, teamwork and effective communication, with great responsibility and dedication, oriented to results. The mediate aims that I pursue, is of personal improvement and competitiveness, in all the professional areas where I develop.

  • Greetings risk community!  My roots in the risk management industry run deep into the early 1990s.  I have helped negotiate many of the bank regulatory standards pertaining to regulatory capital, starting with the Market Risk Amendment to Basel I.  I have also served as a senior government official. 

    Currently, I am Founder and CEO of an early stage company that uses patented technology to measure global public policy risks.  The data generates a time series for each issue that illustrates the delta between action, rhetoric, and other drivers of public policy risk.  The platform went live in January 2019 with global coverage of Trade, FinTech, Banking Regulation, and Brexit policy issues.  In late February, we added COVID19 terms, which means that we have the only global time series (and data lake) for economic and financial policy reaction functions regarding the pandemic.  We are making the platform --and a daily analysis of platform data regarding COVID19 issues -- available for free to new users for the month of April.  You can find more about the PolicyScope platform here (https://www.policyscope.io) and about my company here (https://www.bcmstrategy2.com).

    If we can be helpful to risk managers and scenario analysis architects seeking to assess risk amid this period of great disruptions, please do let me know!  I am happy to share ideas on this platform and elsewhere.  Looking forward to the conversations.

  • Hi everyone.

    I am a Vice President of Risk Management at Marrakech Inc. in Woodbridge, CT USA. Marrakech is a not for profit which has some of the same risk categories as other companies but has a larger percentage of people risk that could have high financial impact on the organization. In any event, I joined this group to learn more about managing risk and the various types of risk to insure that we are doing all that we can to protect our company.

    Interestingly enough, I have friends who work in risk management areas related to banking (cyber security, credit security, etc.) It seems that as different as our businesses are, we are very similar. Reading about different risk areas here, keeps me informed. 

    I am open to networking, meeting new people and looking at new career opportunities. Feel free to contact me at dianelmillan@gmail.com 

  • Hi everyone.

    I am a Vice President of Risk Management at Marrakech Inc. in Woodbridge, CT USA. Marrakech is a not for profit which has some of the same risk categories as other companies but has a larger percentage of people risk that could have high financial impact on the organization. In any event, I joined this group to learn more about managing risk and the various types of risk to insure that we are doing all that we can to protect our company.

    Interestingly enough, I have friends who work in risk management areas related to banking (cyber security, credit security, etc.) It seems that as different as our businesses are, we are very similar. Reading about different risk areas here, keeps me informed. 

    I am open to networking, meeting new people and looking at new career opportunities. Feel free to contact me at dianelmillan@gmail.com 

  • hI

  • Hello all,

    I am Experienced and driven Cyber Security Professional with more than 20 years experience from the Cyber Security Industry. With an entrepreneurial mindset having built, structured and executed go-to-market & sales plans for cyber security start-ups, MSP/MSSP and established market leading technology vendors. 

    I work for Foreseeti, who been awarded the title as one of Sweden’s 33 hottest tech companies 2016 & 2017.

    Foreseeti is Europe’s leading provider of Proactive Risk Management, Cyber Threat Modeling, Cyber Risk Simulations and Attack Simulations, Foreseeti is a Swedish technology company founded 2014 and head-quartered in Stockholm.

    Winner of Almi Invest´s Prize and in collaboration with KTH, Royal Institute of technology, Sweden - Foreseeti is rapidly moving towards their goal to be a global leader in proactive risk management.

    Don´t hesitate to contact me at stefan@foreseeti.com if interested in our technology, if you are looking for a vendor, or if you need help with risk assessments, threat models or attack simulations.

    Have a nice day

  • By way of introduction, I am the Founder of a risk advisory business that focuses on senior level situational issues.  This typically includes investigations, forensics, organizational issues, risk programs that don't demonstrate value (link to profitability), 3rd party and supply chain risk, data and technology (cyber) risk, and unleashing value from the risk investment or commercializing risk capabilities.  I am supported by a handful of deeply qualified and experienced associates and partners.  Primarily, I serve as a "risk conscience" to the executive and subscribe to Data | Dialogue | Decisions. Thank you!  Gary

  • Hi , i am Charles fortune...retired IT specialist banker famously known as charly dollar .
    I'm seller cc and any stuff other
    Me online 24/24

    Contact me:

    ********* Adress ICQ : 653214222

    ********* Watsapp: +237653214222

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    List cc and my price..

    ==> US:

    Us (visa , master) = 6 $
    Us (amex , dis) = 9$
    Us (full) = 30$
    Us card with DOB = 20$

    ==> Uk:

    Uk (visa , master) =10 $
    Uk (amex , dis ) = 20 $
    Uk (with dob) = 25$
    Uk (full) = 40$

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    (visa,master) = 15$ per 1
    (amex,discover) = 20$ per 1
    (bin) = 25$
    (dob) = 40$
    (fullz) = 60$

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    (visa,master) = 15$ per 1
    (amex,discover) = 20$ per 1
    (bin) = 25$
    (dob) = 40$
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    ===> EU
    Italia = 18$
    Germany = 18$
    Sweden = 18$
    Spain = 18$
    Ca = 15$
    France = 18$
    Japan = 15$
    Denmark = 20$
    Eu = 20$
    Au = 15$
    Singapo = 15$
    Buy bank logins, paypal logins, credit card details, dumps, western unioun transfer, bank transfers, paypal transfers
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    Bear in mind: the minimum we sell login with balance at $10k is $500, so before you demand balance, know how much it would cost. Don't bid chase login $100k for $200, if you do you are cursed. We are no kids and not here to play. We are from the underworld. Strictly business.

    RULES :
    Our bank transfers have a high success rate and are guaranteed to clear without any delay or problem. We are verified. If you are not convinced of our services, don't contact us, try other sellers. We don't give test, we don't need your services. We are strictly doing business. Only serious buyers are welcome, any time wasters will be cursed. Professional and regular customers will be considered for future cashier/drop service work.

    We also create ID cards with the names of our clients to allow the writers do the exam without problems. All our certificates
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    For any inquiry send an email at: Consultant.dock@yandex.com

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  • Nelson Hendler, MD, MS, former assistant professor of neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, past president-American Academy of Pain Management. I have lectured in Japan, Philippines, India, Israel, Venezuela, Argentina, Norway, Canada, and Saudi Arabia. My colleagues and I have published articles showing that 40%-80% of patients are misdiagnosed, and this is the cause of rising costs in workers' compensation claims costs, much more so than fraud. We developed an Internet tests which gives diagnoses with a 96% correlation with diagnoses of Johns Hopkins doctors. Using this testing system, we have documented cost savings between $20,000 to $175,000 a patient, due to a 90% reduction in medication use, a 45% reduction in doctors visits, and increased return to work rate. Overall, we can save self insured companies, and captives 54% on their workers' compensation cost. Please see the attached article from the Self Insurer. Email me for a free trial use of the tests DocNelse@aol.com

    Self Insurer 2013.pdf

  • Constance Baah,  a risk management graduate I have obtained diversity of experiences in Business Intelligence, Risk management, Budget preparation and implementation. As an Intelligence and Investigation professional with over 10 years experience. I foster team collaboration, have strong attention to detail, ability to work in a fast pace. As at now am a Principal Budget Analyst with the Ministry of Finance Ghana dealing with the budget preparation, execution and implementation of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and the Parliament of Ghana, where I do assist them in the preparation of their budget estimate preparation, procurement plans cash plans and then the work plans. 

    Also I do advise them on their priority issues that will be beneficial to the Ministry and the country as a whole and in addition to this I do weekly reporting for management and finally do release letters for the implementation of the programmes and projects to be undertaken by the various institutions. I hope this platform will be beneficial to me as I start my work in fiscal risk management.

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Introducing the Global Risk Series - Book 1 Risk Management How Tos

Dear GlobalRisk Community member, Our community’s mission is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Learn from some of the top experts in the industry as they clearly explain how to approach the most important Risk management concepts. Check out their expert tips and use the link at the end of each article to navigate back to the website to leave your comment or ask a question.   Some of the topics include: How do you Explain Risk Appetite?  How to Prepare a…

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16 Replies · Reply by GlobalRiskCommunity Mar 21, 2024
Views: 1173

[Free COVID-19 Framework] What's the path to recovery look like?

We created a free presentation (attached), which discusses both global and organizational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with critical actions organizations should take immediately. This presentation introduces a framework that helps regions and organizations navigate a path to recovery via 9 potential scenarios. These scenarios capture outcomes related to GDP impact, public health response, and economic policies. The presentation also breaks down 6 immediate and critical actions…

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4 Replies · Reply by Steve Diaz Jul 8, 2023
Views: 255

If risk management is about decision making, are current risk management solutions irrelevant?

Now that the updated COSO and ISO risk management standards emphasize a connection to enterprise objectives and decision making, does this mean ERM and GRC solutions focused on risk registers and regulatory compliance are missing the true value of risk management?Will current risk management solutions evolve to integrate more decision support functionality or will standalone prescriptive analytics and other technology solutions take a more prominent role in enabling risk-informed…

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3 Replies
Views: 188

A question related to classification of instruments between trading and banking book.

We have an interesting question from one of our members.       "We usually perform OTC FX transactions with clients backed-to-back on the market (with Banks). Now we are going to perform a FX swap (i.e. Spot + forward) JPY/EUR for the Bank account for 1 week at the longest. The purpose is to get EUR place @ CB for LCR compliance purpose (no trading purposes). Bank's Management think that this should be considered as a trading position and therefore be classified within the Bank's trading book.…

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5 Replies · Reply by Prisha Singh Dec 26, 2023
Views: 398

Plunging oil prices: curse or blessing in disguise?

The recent sudden crash of oil prices has had a major impact on the world economy, leading to many troubled faces in the international arena. The Russians fear the effects of yet another powerful hit on their economy, Venezuela seems to be considering default and the Americans are weary of the consequences for its young and emerging shale oil industry. And then you have the Middle East, where the smallest match is enough to ignite the largest fire. But are these worries really justified or…

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1 Reply
Views: 124

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    The GlobalRisk Community is a thriving community of risk managers and associated service providers. Our purpose is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Our goal is to be the worlds premier Risk forum and contribute to better understanding of the complex world of risk.

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