Most of today’s organizations feel that if they have a “Risk department”, an “Internal Audit Team” and a “strong Legal team “they are safe against everything but is it the case. I say No, having a resource team strong in their defined skill set is only one aspect of an equation and the remaining aspect is time, budget and coordination between the 3 (Risk Management Group, Internal audit team & Legal team) because Governance, Risk Management & Compliance do not act in silos, they are very much interdependent on each other.Before we proceed let’s have a look what GRC stands for:Governance: Continuous Monitoring of decisions based on which an organization is trying to achieve its vision (Long term) and Goals (Short term objectives).Compliance: Identification & adherence to set of risks described as policies & guidelines by a regulatory body, whose sole purpose is to ensure the peoples, interest (Tangible & Intangible) in an organization for ex: SOx, HIPPA, NERC , FERC etcRisk Management: An approach to manage a known risk (Governance (Decisions)/ Compliance (Risk associated with non compliance of compliance)) by limiting or reducing the impact/ likelihood of a Risk. Risk is the common factor which correlates Governance, Risk Management & Compliance.How & Why Risk is a common linking factor?1.Governance means smooth functioning, Organic growth (clean account books), employee, customer & shareholder’s satisfaction to be achieved through calculated Risks and through timely response to the market2.Compliance is: Identification & adherence to set of risks described as policies & guidelines by a regulatory body, whose sole purpose is to ensure the peoples, interest (Tangible & Intangible) in an organization. However, not likely the case in Enron, world Tell and for Tyco electronics. In plain simple terms “Governance” failed in all the 3 examples.But before we proceed lets understand what RISK stands for:Risk is a deviation from a desired / calculated output when an input with respect to a process/ function is executed or “Effect of uncertainty on an objective “.As per COSO framework risk can be broadly classified into 4 different categories for an organization:•Strategic Risk: Risk with respect to Vision/ Goal of an organization•Operational Risk: Risk associated with execution of the strategy outlined as the Vision /Goal for an organization•Financial Risk: Risk associated with finances to achieve the vision/ Goal of the Organization•Legal Risk: Risk pertaining to regulation, compliances, law suits for an organizationBasically all kind of risks can be broken and segregated into these 4 categories and an operational plan can be devised to mitigate the same but if COSO framework is so simple then why do we need 3 different teams to handle “GRC”.Lets again take a deep dive on how” Risk Mitigation” can be done:•Inherent Risk: Every process/ function has a certain amount of risk associated with it for example: Driving a car; the biggest risk is “Accidents on Road”. I can kill someone or can get killed by someone but either way I am not going to stop driving.•Control/ Mitigants: When a control/ Mitigants is applied on a risk, deviation from the desired output can be contained to a certain extent. In our driving example Mitigants can be your Air bags, ABS systems and etc technologies to save a human life even after the impact•Residual Risk: Risk which is been controlled significantly but the deviation in the output is still there for example: we may not lose a human life in an accident any more but we still can’t rule out any significant damage to human body.Risk Handling Approaches:•Risk Avoidance: How can we avoid a risk? by not getting involved in it or by withdrawing from it•Risk Sharing: Remember the old time, when we used to be in school, Homework not done afraid of teacher scolding and then a complaint to parents and remember the geeky but business oriented boy/girl who is willing to do your work but with a cost.•Risk Acceptance: The bold and a smartest way to handle a risk is by acknowledging it and formulating a plan (Time, Money & Resources ) on how to handle it. But the most important question is how to be aware of risk which has a capacity to affect my business, organization, and my day to day operations:Honestly, there is no sure way where you can get an update about new possible risks but even if we are aware about an event that has a high probability and impact. What actions to be taken under these circumstances: 7 Strep Approach towards an event which can possibly affect your business1.Identification: Identify all the possible risks which are associated (direct and indirect) with an event2.Assessment: Assess the identified risk based on Impact and the likelihood of occurring3.Prioritizing Risks: Prioritize a risk based on its impact and likelihood4.Formulating plan: Device a plan and work accordingly5.Ownership: Train your employees and let them know what they are supposed to do in a crisis6.Training: Train them periodically, so that they don’t get complacent or panic in a situation7.Update: Any event which is by far not recorded or covered in any sort of risk mitigation program should be stored and recorded and steps 2 to 7 should be repeated for itThe fundamental of GRC is risk and risk is associated with almost every function/ process or business unit which runs an organization. So our focus should be more on risks and we should channelize all our resources in this direction.
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  • A very good introduction to the basics. Sonia
  • Sourabh

    Your article really reminds nails the point that organisations that really aspire in today's economic environment need to migrate from the old-school approach of viewing risk management as a silo function. Instead, they should adopt the new Integrated Risk Management (IRM)which integrates the GRC. By adopting the IRM approach, it helps managers gain a wider perspective of the entire risks affecting their organisations, give them the opportunity to evaluate their severity and devise appropriate plans to mitigate/minimise the loss.
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