As diets are richer and more complex, the high-value protein provided by the livestock sector enhances nutrition in the vast majority of the world. Livestock products not only include high-quality protein but are also valuable sources of a wide variety of vital micronutrients, in particular minerals like iron and zinc and vitamins such as vitamin A.


For the vast majority of people in the world, especially in developing countries, livestock products remain the food they want for nutritional value and taste. Excessive consumption of animal products in some countries and social groups can, however, contribute to an excessive intake of fat.

Here’s all you need to know about egg protein

What is egg protein?

Egg proteins are multifunctional components used in the creation of a variety of food products. There is more to this product that is useful in food production and bioactivity. Egg protein acts as an emulsifier a foaming agent, a thickener, a texturizer, and a gelling agent. It eventually increases the use of egg protein in the food and beverage industry.

In addition, egg protein components, including nutrition, animal feed, and cosmetics, are popular in a variety of other industries. Eggs are a very good source of low-cost, high-quality protein. More than half of the protein in the egg white contains vitamin B2 and less fat than the yolk. Eggs are a rich source of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12, and minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper.

Egg yolks have more calories and fat than white yolks. These are a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D E and K and lecithin, a compound that allows emulsification in recipes such as hollandaise or mayonnaise. Many egg brands also contain omega-3 fatty acids, depending on what the chickens are fed (always check the box). Eggs are known to be a 'full' source of protein since they contain all nine necessary amino acids, which we cannot synthesize in our bodies and must receive from our diet.

Why has egg protein become a widely-consumed kind of protein?

Both white and egg yolks are rich in nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals. This also contains cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins D and E), and essential fatty acids. Eggs are also an important and versatile ingredient for cooking, as their specific chemical make-up is the glue of many important baking reactions.

Since chicken is now being domesticated, people have been enjoying and feeding themselves with eggs. As a long-standing symbol of fertility and rebirth, the egg has taken its place in both religious and culinary history. The icon of the decorated egg has become associated with Easter in Christianity. There are several different types of eggs available, the most commonly raised are chicken eggs, while more gourmet options include duck, goose, and quail eggs.

The trends and consumption patterns that raise the demand for egg protein

Worldwide consumption is increasing with the changing diets

Egg consumption continues to rise with increasing dietary preferences and population growth. Countries around the world are growing and changing their diets, recognizing that eggs are a good source of protein, leading to an increase in egg consumption. As populations are projected to rise globally, so is the consumption of eggs.

Rising incomes in developed countries and changing diets around the world have increased the consumption of eggs over the last decade. Those in developing countries can afford more protein in their diet and have discovered the advantages of eggs as a protein source, so they buy eggs though they have not previously purchased them. In several developing countries, consumption is moving from traditional eggs to eggs with arguments such as free-range, cage-free, or organic.

Resource efficiency

There is an increasing need for new technologies and processes to improve resource productivity in agri-food production in a safe manner. It involves the need to improve yields and production and lower costs. The advantages of livestock production over crop production include the higher protein content of beef, eggs, and dairy products and the potential of livestock to convert protein sources that humans cannot or do not use into "available" protein sources.

Nevertheless, global production of animal protein is a resource-intensive activity and livestock production has significant negative impacts on the environment. The implementation of smart farming and food production systems has the potential to solve these problems in the coming years and to ensure that output continues to meet global demand. Technological advances to increase the efficiency of protein production are important to bridge the gap in egg protein supply.

Egg protein in sports nutrition

Eggs have a slower absorption rate than other common proteins. Perception has been that "faster is better", but scientific evidence shows that this is not always the case. Slower-absorbed protein facilitates greater protein anabolism, producing 4 to 9 times more protein synthesis than free amino acids or fast-absorbing proteins such as whey protein alone.

This can be an ideal approach for lean muscle development. Slowly absorbed amino acids, such as those in egg proteins, facilitate leucine balance, better than fast-absorbing proteins or amino acids alone. It would be ideal to consume a slow-absorbing protein such as eggs following exercise or training.

Amid all these advantages, a few factors are still stopping the industry from shooting high

Although the protein industry is projected to expand, there are fundamental challenges for profit-seeking companies. Product innovation is essential and the businesses that will thrive in this industry will be the ones that are in sync with technical advances and have integrated customer feedback into their products.

Eggs are a source of proteins, fats, and micronutrients that play a significant role in basic nutrition. However, eggs are commonly associated with adverse human health effects, primarily due to their cholesterol content. The public has been warned against regular egg intake owing to the elevated cholesterol level in eggs and the possible association with CVD. This was focused on the assumption that higher dietary cholesterol intake is correlated with high blood cholesterol and CVD levels.

The bottom line

The egg protein market is experiencing a rapid evolution phase presenting opportunities for efficiencies, diversification & innovation. Increasing understanding of the importance of proteins in diets and, in particular, the importance that proteins can play in muscle development, weight loss, and the reduction of risk of heart disease.

Free Valuable Insights: Global Egg Protein Market to reach a market size of USD 35.7 billion by 2026

Egg protein consumption continues to be a global phenomenon, being much beyond a part of daily foods. Protein has become a favorite for those looking for muscle building or fast recovery after exercise. The innovation of high protein items such as snack bars and protein powders has made it possible for athletes and fitness enthusiasts to consume adequate protein. Eggs are a fast and economical way to increase overall protein consumption.

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