A campaign to facilitate the introduction of peace and human rights education into alleducational institutions was called for by the Hague Appeal for Peace Civil Society Conferencein May 1999. An initiative of individual educators and education NGOs committed to peace, it isconducted through a global network of education associations, and regional, national and local task forces of citizens and educators who will lobby and inform ministries of education andteacher education institutions about the UNESCO Framework and the multiplicities of methodsand materials that now exist to practice peace education in all learning environments.
The goal ofthis campaign is to assure that all the educational systems throughout the world will educate for aculture of peace. I believe that this campaign will further benefit each individual of this planet ifa self-knowledge global education initiative is also incorporate into the UNESCO Frameworkand in every school and university setting around the world.
A good peace curriculum should incorporate, therefore, themes of peace, dignity and prosperityfor each individual, including answering key questions about our existence, the root causes ofwar and how to create a culture of peace that is also the main concern of the Hague Agenda forPeace as well.The new peace curriculum suggested here, in addition to addressing the main themes of TheHague Agenda for Peace, called The Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE), willaddress five extremely important tenements and objectives:
1. Opportunity: We believe that every person should have the opportunity to answer life’sfundamental questions; we’ve seen that, when each one of us truly connects with our own humanity — with who we really are — we will connect with the humanity in others. Like millions of people around the globe, we want to see a world where everyone can experiencepeace beyond the absence of war, not as an ideal, but as a reality. We believe that, in order to change the world, we first have to change ourselves. I want to see a better world that is relentlessly making accountable progress by knowing the importance of self-knowledge in a very simple and practical way that I can teach to any human being living in this planet.
2. Demonstration Effects: Imaging for a minute having hundreds and thousands of individuals around the Globe from all walks of life benefiting from Self-knowledge and having corporated the benefits into their daily lives which in turns brings about a better communication that has clarity and understanding, that makes people feel good about simply being alive, regardless of people’ circumstances where Peace can be seen as or more important than freedom.
3. One Person at a Time: Furthermore, Self-knowledge allows a person to understand the valueof simply being alive despite of all the ups and downs in our lives. This is not a self-motivation prose, it is deeper than that. In addition, with all the education and information in this world we fail to see the fact that from birth till now each person has gone through the complexities of live and yet we are still alive. This means that there is a force inside every human being that keep us going, an inner feeling that pushes us to go on and not give up. This is already happening one human being at a time. And we believe it can happen — one human being at a time.
4. Inner and Outside World Awareness: There will be no peace in the world, nor new institutions created for this purpose, unless we understand how the outside world (the system) works in order to improve it. Equally important, institutions cannot bring peace to the world but can only facilitate it. Moreover, there will be no peace and justice or a new peace consciousness in the world unless each individual in this planet understand that peace is within us and that there is a very practical way to experience it.
5. Spreading the Message: To show the work and peace message around the world that addresses directly the search for meaning and fulfillment that has been a fundamental endeavor for people throughout the ages. Expressions of this search can be found in the arts,architecture, science and exploration, philosophy and religion, and yet for many, the attainment of lasting peace and fulfilment has been elusive. My peace message keeps saying “What you are looking for is within you” and “I can show you how.” That is why those of us who KNOW cannot help but to make it available to others.
The self-knowledge that I can teach you is simple and profound. It is independent of and compatible with any philosophy, religion or lifestyle as well.