Webinar: Debriefing a diagnostic of an organisation’s risk management practices using ISO 31000Rx
Presenter: Dr Dean Myburgh
Time: 9 am Sydney/Brisbane (EST) on 5 October 2012
To register for the webinar: http://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/8271/56441
Following the first two Webinars presented by Dr Dean Myburgh on OD/Diagnostic approaches to risk management implementation and using ISO31000Rx, there is now an opportunity to experience ISO 31000Rx first- hand. Registrants for this Webinar are invited to complete an on-line self-assessment using the following link:
On completion, an individual feedback report will be generated and received by each participant. This Webinar will debrief the results from a selection of ten completed self-assessments received by 27 September 2012. The presenter will use the inputs received to:
1. Debrief the ‘Executive Team’ (combining the inputs as if they are from the same organisation); and
2. Illustrate the opportunity to benchmark both internally and externally (across sectors).
This Webinar aims to assist risk management practitioners and consultants with their understanding of the process that is followed as well as the benefits of using the cloud-based version of ISO 31000Rx.
What should you do if you are interested?
1. To register for the webinar: http://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/8271/56441
2. To complete an on-line self-assessment: