decision-making (2)

10654445874?profile=RESIZE_400xGlobally, corporate non-compliance is a serious problem.  Major firms have been involved in well publicized cases that demonstrate how misguided the common explanations are for why employees indulge in illegal acts. 

No compliance program can totally stop undesirable behavior by a small number of workers.  However, behaviorally aware programs have the potential to achieve primary objective of Compliance, namely the reduction of unethical and illegal behavior within the organization. 

To do this,

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3-Phase Flywheel Strategy Approach

9662216489?profile=RESIZE_400xStrategy Development has followed a set path since the last century where a predetermined, rectilinear, and inflexible approach defined the process.

In the 21st century, however, business leaders are devising Strategy by evolving it into a probabilistic, repeated, and multifaceted process.  An approach that can both endure and adapt to the growing pace of Change and Disruption that is manifesting itself in all industries.

Using gaming, AI, unremitting execution, and adjustment, with numerous scena

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