Operational risk management is currently on the end of a major shakeup. Ever since the announcement of Basel III banks have been working within a paradigm that pushes towards either TSA or AMA approaches (standardised and advanced approaches respectively). At the end of 2015, however, the Basel Committee shocked firms by announcing that they were doing away with this, and replacing it with the SMA – a new standardized approach that would be the norm for all banks. This is having huge ramificatio
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A Loophole Allows Banks – But Not Other Companies – to Create Money Out of Thin Air
One of the Main Causes of Our Economic Problems
Washington's Blog
January 15, 2016
The central banks of the United States, England, and German – as well as 2 Nobel-prize winning economists – have all shown that banks create money out of thin air … even if they have no deposits on hand.
The failure of most governments and most mainstream economists to understand this fact – they instead believe the myth that pe
The federal tax rules concerning options are among the most complex sections of the tax code. This has led to many misunderstandings. For example, many traders have heard that some covered calls are "unqualified." What does this mean?
It means that in some situations, a trader who has opened such a position will not be able to report gains as long-term gains if and when the call is exercised and the underlying called away. This applies only if you have held the underlying for less than one year w