8 Steps of Risk Control Self Assessment

The Risk Control Self Assessment is used to recognize and analyze operational risks and assess the efficiency of the organization's controls in mitigating such risks. As such, it gives several advantages to enterprises, ranging from improved control efficacy to increased business efficiency. However, an RCSA must be incorporated into the company's operational risk management process rather than being a stand-alone effort.

RCSA may play a vital role in spreading awareness of risk management throughout the business and enhancing the company's risk culture, in addition to assisting in assessing operational risks and identifying shortcomings in controls. It also helps with compliance and governance and reinforces external and internal auditors' work.

8 Steps of Risk Control Self Assessment

  1. Determine your company's goals.
  2. Determine the operating model
  3. Determine the danger.
  4. Examine the danger (using likelihood and impact)
  5. Compare to your appetite
  6. Determine issues and solutions
  7. Track and assess
  8. Management of Incidents

Risk Control Self-Assessment can be completed in a variety of methods. One approach is to run RCSAs in response to specific occurrences, for instance, a cyberattack or a power failure. Another strategy is to concentrate on specific organizational processes and identify possible hazards. After an RCSA is completed, it should be evaluated daily, like annually. RCSAs could also be amended between reviews following shifts in the risk environment.


Predict360’s Risk Control Self-Assessment Software

Predict360's risk control self-assessment tools enable organizations to manage risks by capturing inherent and residual risk ratings and controls, along with additional details like risk owners, risk type, management comments, monetary impact, and more, employing corroborated enterprise methodologies like risk control self-assessment assessment for banks. Specific risks are also related to the legislation and corporate obligations that govern them.


  • Insight into RCSA development and risk assessments in real time
  • The standardization of risk and control taxonomies facilitates risk comparison and evaluation.
  • RCSA reports at the enterprise level using information from several business divisions
  • Executive insight into risk issues, with the opportunity to drill down for further information

Request a demo to explore more features!


About 360factors Inc.

360factors empowers organizations to accelerate profitability, innovation, and productivity by predicting risks and streamlining compliance. Predict360, its flagship software product, is an AI-powered Risk and Compliance Intelligence Platform that anticipates and mitigates risks while facilitating regulatory compliance. Predict360 integrates regulations and obligations, compliance management, risks and controls, audits and assessments, policies and procedures, and training in a single cloud-based SaaS platform based on artificial intelligence to provide predictive analytics and unique insights for predicting risks and streamlining compliance. 360factors is the exclusively endorsed solution provider for compliance management by the American Bankers Association (ABA). Visit www.360factors.com for more information.


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