enterprise architecture (4)

The Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) developed by the Object Management Group (OMG) is an advanced and commercially-oriented architecture framework. Rooted in the Unified Profile for Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework (MoDAF), UAF is designed to provide a structured representation of enterprise architectures. This approach enables stakeholders to focus on specific areas of interest while maintaining a comprehensive view of the

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10080294288?profile=RESIZE_400xCustomary practice to Capital Budgeting for satisfying needs of Information Technology development and support pursues a fragmented process and considers requests as stand-alone projects, each with its particular business justification.

The approach bases most of the capital allocation on historical expenditure patterns and financial projections.  It handicaps the underlying Enterprise Architecture making it inflexible and layered with unnecessary complexity.  The practice results in inferior out

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9316883094?profile=RESIZE_400xEnterprise Architecture (EA) conveys management best practices for positioning business and technology resources to fulfil strategic goals, enhance Organizational Performance, and guide departments to achieve their core missions more successfully via Operational Excellence.

The Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) realizes this goal for U.S. Federal agencies and assists systems surpass interagency boundaries.  FEAF facilitates through documentation and information, and conveys a summa

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9223435882?profile=RESIZE_400xBusiness and technology resources are aligned using Enterprise Architecture (EA) in order to achieve strategic results, make organizational performance better, achieve Cost Optimization, and guide departments to fulfill their central missions more efficaciously through Operational Excellence.

Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) does that for any U.S. federal agency and helps systems transcend interagency boundaries.  FEAF offers a shared approach for the consolidation of strategic, b

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