competitive advantage (16)

Take a look at our featured best practice, Core Competencies Analysis (17-slide PowerPoint presentation). Core Competencies Analysis is a powerful 5-phase business framework used to determine company-specific skills that enable differentiated value delivery. In other words, using Core Competencies Analysis, we can determine true competitive advantages of our company. This offers invaluable [read more]

Also, if you are interested in becoming an expert on Strategy Development, take a look at Flevy'

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The 3C Model was introduced in 1982 by organizational theorist and Japanese Strategy expert Dr. Kenichi Ohmae. This concept was expounded upon in his book entitled "The Mind of the Strategist: The Art of Japanese Business."

The Ohmae 3C model, also known as "the Strategic Triangle," assists in developing the fundamental components of the Business Strategy of an organization.

Ohmae's viewpoints emerged from his comprehensive understanding of the international business landscape and his substa

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In the 1980s, Michael Porter emerged as a notable proponent of the market-based positioning methodology as a means to achieve strategic competitive advantage.  As technology advances, there is a heightened level of competition, workplace cultures evolve, and employees acquire greater expertise in crafting exceptional value propositions.

A multitude of scholars and researchers have put forth alternative frameworks in an effort to achieve Profitability and sustainable competitive advantage.  Rumel

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A business is sustainable if it continues to grow. However, it is hard for any business owner to estimate the firm's growth in a year or during a certain time period. Likewise, it is challenging for leaders to imagine the following scenarios:

  • How much growth does their company require?
  • Should sales growth or margin expansion take precedence? How can the two be reconciled?
  • How can true growth be achieved?

Sustainable growth necessitates a Capabilities-driven Strategy (CDS) as opposed to conventiona

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10879151658?profile=RESIZE_710xDifferent tactics are used by organizations to gain competitive advantage and outperform rivals. Positions, assets, and economies of scale have historically been used by top multinational companies with a wide range of product or service offerings as sources of competitive advantage.

Today's top business players pursue competitive advantage in a totally different way. Critical competencies are being used by market leaders today to outbid their competitors. They place more of an emphasis on develo

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Automation has a substantial influence on improving Operational Excellence and Decision Making. Executives' strategic decision-making abilities are being enhanced by Machine Learning (ML) in an increasing number of firms nowadays.

Global research done by MIT Sloan Management Review in collaboration with Google, involving 4,700 CEOs and a number of Key Informant Interviews, indicates that ML is increasingly transforming how firms generate and analyze value. This is largely due to the capacity of

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4 Strategies for Technology Commoditization

10802087269?profile=RESIZE_400xCompanies, particularly those in the technology sector, used to invest a substantial amount of time, effort, and cash to innovate and establish a Competitive Advantage based on their design and engineering.

Integration of design and technical expertise via the development of high-tech manufacturing and design tools has simplified the Innovation and Production processes. Consequently, new entrants may now exploit readily and affordably accessible technical knowledge and resources to expedite the c

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6 Value Drivers of IT Redesign

10229021897?profile=RESIZE_400xDisruptive change has put a tremendous strain on organizations and their IT departments.  The capabilities of the IT talent is declining due to inadequate technical education and aging workforce.  Legacy systems and diverse IT applications are frequent across most organizations.  Mergers and Acquisitions have become a norm, pushing vendors to form alliances.  Mobile devices, tablets, and social media have been quite common across employees of almost all organizations.  Cloud Computing and softwa

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10080294288?profile=RESIZE_400xCustomary practice to Capital Budgeting for satisfying needs of Information Technology development and support pursues a fragmented process and considers requests as stand-alone projects, each with its particular business justification.

The approach bases most of the capital allocation on historical expenditure patterns and financial projections.  It handicaps the underlying Enterprise Architecture making it inflexible and layered with unnecessary complexity.  The practice results in inferior out

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Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Reinvention

10013835694?profile=RESIZE_400xMajority of pharmaceutical companies are persisting with decade old processes and routines.  They have transactional relationships with suppliers, lack of concerted efforts to progress ahead, and no vision to reap productivity rewards.  The reasons for continuing with these traditional practices include tax regimes, regulatory hurdles, and stable revenues from customers dependent on existing industry offerings.

Disruption—spurred by technological Innovation, fluctuating customer demand patterns,

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Editor's Note:  If you are interested in becoming an expert on Supply Chain Management (SCM), take a look at Flevy's Supply Chain Management (SCM) Frameworks offering.  This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts.  By learning and applying these concepts, you can stay ahead of the curve. Full details here.

9885558865?profile=RESIZE_400xThe conventional Business Model for Manufacturing is in the process of

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7 Tactics to Upskill Your Workforce

Editor's Note:  If you are interested in becoming an expert on Human Resource Management (HRM), take a look at Flevy's Human Resource Management (HRM) Frameworks offering.  This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts.  By learning and applying these concepts, you can stay ahead of the curve.  Full details here.  

9797614053?profile=RESIZE_400xDisruptive technology is re-shaping the present-day work enviro

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Upskilling Strategy in 6 Phases

9738510277?profile=RESIZE_400xEmployees with the right skills make or break an enterprise, create brand impression, represent the company’s culture and values.

Disruptive technology is changing the contemporary work environment.  Employees in traditional roles are now feeling insecure and disengaged.  This dissonance threatens to take away the Competitive Advantage of companies.

Employee Engagement has emerged as one of the significant pillars on which the Competitive Advantage, Productivity, and Growth of an organization rest

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8818272056?profile=RESIZE_400xFuturistic, technology-driven business models are weakening the conventional advantages of Economies of Scale.  Large corporations, founded on Scale, nevertheless have areas that they can exploit if they reposition rapidly.

For the best part of over a century, Economies of Scale—Cost Advantages that businesses achieve owing to their scale of operation—fashioned the corporation into a perfect engine of business.  The economic concept of Economies of Scale was first floated in the Adam Smith era wh

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8662133692?profile=RESIZE_400xA significant number of Mergers remain unsuccessful, because companies do not employ a thorough and disciplined approach to realizing Post-Merger Integration Synergies.  In reasons for failure, we hear remarks like:

  • Targets were set several months earlier by the top management without consulting the line managers, or taking ground realities into consideration.
  • Assumption base for setting targets was untested.
  • Targets were met but the timeframe for achieving them made them ineffective—in terms of di
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5 Dimensions of Employee Engagement Scorecard

8578601065?profile=RESIZE_400xEmployee Engagement has emerged as one of the significant pillars on which the Competitive AdvantageProductivity, and Growth Strategy of an organization rests.  Employee Engagement has many facets.  To assess an organization’s current status of Employee Engagement, executives need to devise a measurement system.  Measuring Employee Engagement is vital in shaping Employee Engagement Strategies that help propel the organization towards growth.

A framework that is quite effective in measuring the

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