innovation (63)


Uplifting employee motivation and engagement levels is a constant struggle for executives.  Management has long focused on technical and analytical competence, but the significant impact of feelings and emotions on corporate behavior is now recognized. Connecting emotions to performance goals and objectives remains a challenge. 

Leaders must ensure that the organization’s mission and strategy resonate emotionally, engage employees intellectually, and instill urgency for action. This approach unle

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Empowering Tomorrows Banking Digital Landscape Enroute to Technology, Innovation, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

The 12th Edition Connected Banking Summit– Innovation and Excellence Awards 2024 Southern Africa scheduled to take place on 23rd of May, 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa proudly unveils its theme: “Empowering Tomorrows Banking Digital Landscape Enroute to Technology, Innovation, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth” Hosted by The International Center for Strategic Alliances (ICSA), t

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Doha, Qatar — CYSEC Qatar 2024, the 8th Global Edition of this esteemed cybersecurity conference, drew to a triumphant close on February 7, 2024, with nearly 500 IT, OT, security leaders, and cybersecurity experts in attendance. The event served as a pivotal platform for global experts, innovators, and thought leaders to explore the latest advancements and strategies essential for safeguarding our ever-evolving digital landscape.

Key Highlights from CYSEC Qatar 2024:

-          Abdulrahman Hassan'

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Editor's Note:  Take a look at our featured best practice, Design Thinking - Poster (printable in A0, A1, A2) (1-page PDF document).  Design Thinking poster gives a detailed description of a Design Thinking process.  It is great as introduction to design thinking, an overview of a possible design thinking project, encouraging innovation and design thinking.  Poster presents some typical tools for design thinking: Problem [read more]


Service is a complex, multi-tiered process involving a number of

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Future Work Strategy

Many businesses are preparing for the Future of Work in silos led by strategic thinkers. This unstructured and fragmented approach to the Future of Work risks conflicting business unit priorities, redundant processes and initiatives, and organizational misalignment.  Risks can be costly.

A Future of Work Strategy can boost employee engagement, innovation, and competitiveness. HR leaders must build a coordinated strategy to compete in a disruptive and uncertain world as more fi

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Different phases of organizational development exist.  Some reach maturity and then decline with time, whereas others simply vanish during the initial phase.

However, few businesses are able to avoid bankruptcy and sustain long-term growth.  They continue to amaze consumers with their innovative products and services.  They accomplish this by devoting resources, investment, time, and effort to the development of novel ideas, testing and cultivating these ideas, and discarding obsolete products.


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12183827681?profile=RESIZE_710xOne of the main cause of most Innovation failures is a lack of understanding of client requirements.

With the abundance of data available today, organizations should have no trouble understanding what their customers want to achieve.  But this is not the case.  In virtually all cases, data is used to find correlations rather than causes.

The Jobs-to-Be-Done (JTBD) Theory assists in comprehending client preferences by concentrating on what drives a purchase.  The JTBD Theory approaches the innovati

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Control and direction emanate from the top of conventional organizational structures and management practices.  These structures and procedures become obsolete and unable to adapt to the volatility of the market. Inadequate and sporadic communication between the various divisions of the organization is another problem with this traditional hierarchy.

Innovation and the external environment have an ever-increasing impact on businesses. Stafford Beer, a British operations research theorist and cybe

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11027130453?profile=RESIZE_710xA number of business professionals choose independent consulting over corporate employment each year. For them, a career in independent consulting means a flexible schedule, the opportunity to be their own boss, and the fulfillment of their complete potential. For some people, independent consulting involves utilizing their genuine skills.

Independent consultants provide consulting services independent of a consulting firm. They utilize their own experience to assist an individual or organizatio

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10954144260?profile=RESIZE_710xOrganizational Analysis is necessary for enhanced Productivity and revenue improvement.

Organizational Analysis may be conducted methodically using the Organizational Elements Model. It is a potent method for analyzing a firm’s existing state, comprehending the capabilities of its rivals, and identifying challenges.

The Organizational Elements Model provides a way to examine an organization holistically. The model makes it possible to assess an organization's structure, processes, culture, compete

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Editor's Note: If you are interested in becoming an expert on Innovation Management, take a look at Flevy's Innovation Management Frameworks offering here.  This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts.  By learning and applying these concepts, you can stay ahead of the curve.  Full details here.

10914592880?profile=RESIZE_710xWhen new technology and rivals cause disruption in industry markets, many long-s

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10872793277?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Internet of Things (IoT) combines complexity, Innovation, and accessibility. IoT technology offers businesses countless possibilities despite the industry's unpredictability. It consists of various network-based devices. Extending internet connectivity to objects other than typical devices is part of the Internet of Things. These technologically advanced devices have the potential to connect and communicate online. They are manageable and controllable from a distance.

Network connections incl

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The Internet of Things warrants the delivery of cutting-edge digital services and compelling Customer Experiences. IoT consists of a collection of network-based devices that extend internet access beyond traditional devices. These devices can communicate and interact via the internet and can be remotely monitored and controlled.

IoT devices make use of network connections including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC (NFC). Webcams, printers, routers, Apple Watches and Fitbits, refrigerators, security syst

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Editor's Note: If you are interested in becoming an expert on Innovation Management, take a look at Flevy's Innovation Management Frameworks offering here.  This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts.  By learning and applying these concepts, you can stay ahead of the curve.  Full details here.

10856154301?profile=RESIZE_710xWhen new technology and rivals disrupt markets, many incumbent businesses struggl

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 Obtaining the title of Most Innovative Company of the Year is the aspiration of the vast majority of businesses.

In addition to selecting the most innovative companies of 2014, Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) innovation-focused research in 2014—consisting of more than 750 businesses in 17 diverse markets—revealed a number of surprising findings.

Clearly, the organizations that led the Innovation ranking utilized a methodical approach to managing Innovation. The study indicated that culture is a

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Data Governance is essential for establishing a data-centric, insight-driven organization. Governance is currently a major issue for senior management as a result of public outrage over data privacy, the reputational harm caused by data leaks, and strict legislation.

In the absence of a thorough Data Governance Strategy, the everyday accumulation of huge volumes of data can result in regulatory or professional challenges. A Data Governance Strategy is the first step toward better data capabilitie

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Editor's Note:  If you are interested in becoming an expert on Innovation Management, take a look at Flevy's Innovation Management Frameworks offering here.  This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts.  By learning and applying these concepts, you can stay ahead of the curve. Full details here.

10796707091?profile=RESIZE_400xWhen new technologies and rivals disrupt markets, numerous firms employ antiquat

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How to Innovate in the COVID-19 Era

Editor's Note:  If you are interested in becoming an expert on Innovation Management, take a look at Flevy's Innovation Management Frameworks offering here.  This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts.  By learning and applying these concepts, you can stay ahead of the curve.  Full details here.

10776804658?profile=RESIZE_400xDifferent organizations have responded differently to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Al

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10516786682?profile=RESIZE_710xFinancial insecurity, the unpredictability of regional and global situations, environmental threats, and advancements in technology have caught organizations off guard.  Consequently, many leaders have ended up turning to Scenario Planning to generate potential possible scenarios, in contrast to planning and devising strategy for a single possible circumstance.

Scenarios include plausible, yet unforeseeable situations and challenges.  They encompass various permutations of facts and anticipated s

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10482264859?profile=RESIZE_400xNecessity to accelerate Innovation, is not restricted to a certain industry.  Existing businesses in a variety of industries are acutely aware of the competitive threats posed by their inadequate Innovation chains.  In addition, they are aware of the speed with which startups might adopt new technology.

This understanding spawned the Open Corporate Accelerators (OCA) model, which requires less capital commitment than the standard Corporate Accelerator approach.

Typically, a single business initiat

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