consulting (11)

Dealing with uncertainty in college applications can be intimidating, but with a sound risk management approach, the process can become more bearable. Remember, it's all about selecting the right institution for you - and there's more than one road to success in higher education.
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11027130453?profile=RESIZE_710xA number of business professionals choose independent consulting over corporate employment each year. For them, a career in independent consulting means a flexible schedule, the opportunity to be their own boss, and the fulfillment of their complete potential. For some people, independent consulting involves utilizing their genuine skills.

Independent consultants provide consulting services independent of a consulting firm. They utilize their own experience to assist an individual or organizatio

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8028338467?profile=originalLarge manufacturers are often reluctant to share knowledge with suppliers.  However, supplier networks are considered a great source of gaining competitive edge by Learning Organizations.

A Learning Organization is founded on innovation, free flow of ideas, and a consistent focus on transforming the ways of doing business in order to achieve the desired results.  For instance, Toyota out-performed its competitors in the 2000s era by incorporating the principles of Learning Organization in its cul

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Transforming a product-driven firm to a customer-driven enterprise is inevitable in order to stay ahead in today’s extremely competitive markets. The days of mass marketing, mass media communications, and little-to-none direct interface with customers are long gone. The emphasis, now, should be on maximizing customer relationships and becoming customer-driven organizations rather than merely selling products. The technological advancements of this age offer potent tools for organizations to util

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A large majority of organizations rarely focus on gathering and utilizing customer-centric knowledge. So much so that they even introduce a product without having vital insights on the customer and their unmet needs, and they are often clueless about them. Consequently, many product development initiatives fall flat as managers struggle to filter and evaluate ideas.

Most organizations, today, are developing initiatives around Customer Experience Strategy and Customer Journey Mapping. Customer-cen

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The advantages of Smart Customization are more visible in the manufacturing industry—owing to fairly speedy cash recoveries when factory costs are aligned to customer value. It is becoming an integral pillar to Product Strategy in many organizations.

However, services sector can also benefit from smart customization, but this demands relatively closer interactions with customers and more flexible systems for providing offerings. Service sector is more complexity ridden, yet offers more opportunit

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Inspiring breakthrough innovation in business models and solutions is becoming critical for organizations’ existence, as startups through their innovation have been consistently disrupting large organizations globally. To foster innovation, the key ingredient is creating an organizational culture that encourages innovation in all spheres. Every organization, today, aspires to nurture a culture of innovation where employees are motivated to take initiatives that result in the creation of innovati

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There isn’t one leadership approach that can guarantee success in every situation.

Leadership necessitates an assortment of methodologies that leaders can use based on the circumstances—ranging from being self-centric to helping the humanity. In order to develop effective teams, inculcate a sense of teamwork, and make a positive impact, leaders need to be aware of the strong points and limitations of their team members and the behaviors that they typically adopt with others. To identify the leade

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Is Your Customer Strategy Really Robust?


In these challenging times, it’s no longer enough to target a few, select purchasers and develop products for that clientele. The key ingredient that most leaders overlook while serving their clients is a thoughtful and planned Customer Strategy.

A robust Customer Strategy entails speaking the language of the customers, knowing how to anticipate their needs, working closely with them, and coming up with solutions to problems that have not been stated yet. This necessitates concentrating on develo

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Almost every other day, startups emerge and disrupt established companies because of their innovative ideas and business models. This disruption is, primarily, due to the reluctance of big companies to implement a series of strategic and organizational practices required to organize and inspire creativity.

Large firms are, generally, better at implementation rather than innovation due to their long-established ways of doing business and other cultural elements. Their success is owing to optimiza

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New market entry provides potential opportunities for organizations to grow. But penetrating a market and establishing a new business is fraught with complications and failure. Attempts at entering a new market often fail, in fact, research suggests that for every successful market entry about 4 fail. The reasons for such high failure rates involve timing, scale, competition, capabilities, and predominantly irrational decision making.

The decision to successfully enter a market necessitates deta

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