strategic planning (18)


In today’s rapidly changing market landscape, organizations need more than just a basic understanding of their competitors. Simply knowing what your rivals are doing isn’t enough. The key to outmaneuvering the competition lies in predicting their next moves before they make them. Strategic analysis gives you the map, Four Corners Analysis gives you the GPS.

Michael Porter’s Four Corners Analysis breaks down competitor behavior into two key dimensions: Motivations and Actions. These dimensions, i

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In today's complex business environment, effective problem solving is essential for organizational success. The Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), developed by Peter Checkland in the 1970s, provides a structured approach to tackling ill-structured problems by focusing on diverse stakeholder perspectives and fostering collaboration.

A critical component of SSM is the CATWOE Analysis, a tool developed by Checkland and David Smyth. CATWOE stands for Customers, Actors, Transformation process, Worldview,

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MOST Analysis, an acronym for Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics, is a vital strategic planning tool that critically examines the internal environment of an organization. It enhances internal processes and organizational culture, helping businesses transform their vision and ambitions into concrete, attainable objectives. This framework is essential for driving organizational success by instilling renewed capabilities and a distinct sense of purpose.

Implementing MOST Analysis establish

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When assessing new ventures, a meticulous approach is crucial. For senior executives and investors, Heptalysis offers a robust, detailed tool for evaluating potential business investments into new ventures.  By breaking down the essential components of a business, this model enables investors to make informed decisions.

The Heptalysis framework is a strategic template for scrutinizing new ventures. It provides a detailed analysis of seven critical elements, offering a holistic view of a startup’

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Take a look at our featured best practice, Core Competencies Analysis (17-slide PowerPoint presentation). Core Competencies Analysis is a powerful 5-phase business framework used to determine company-specific skills that enable differentiated value delivery. In other words, using Core Competencies Analysis, we can determine true competitive advantages of our company. This offers invaluable [read more]

Also, if you are interested in becoming an expert on Strategy Development, take a look at Flevy'

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12346864254?profile=RESIZE_710xA significant proportion of organizations exhibit proficiency in the domain of strategic planning; however, they face obstacles in efficiently executing those strategies, especially when pressing concerns take precedence over regular operations.

The efficacy of strategic plans relies heavily on their flawless implementation.  The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a strategic development framework designed to aid organizations in the successful execution of their most vital goals.  The principal

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Future Work Strategy

Many businesses are preparing for the Future of Work in silos led by strategic thinkers. This unstructured and fragmented approach to the Future of Work risks conflicting business unit priorities, redundant processes and initiatives, and organizational misalignment.  Risks can be costly.

A Future of Work Strategy can boost employee engagement, innovation, and competitiveness. HR leaders must build a coordinated strategy to compete in a disruptive and uncertain world as more fi

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Decision Making is essential to any organization's success.  Military strategists use their training and experience to create battle plans and make quick decisions aimed at achieving specific objectives.  Military strategies, concepts, and practices have found widespread application in business and daily life.  The works, memoirs, and experiences of renowned military historians and strategists, such as Sun Tzu's "The Art of War," Clausewitz's "On War," and Liddell Hart's "Strategy," are highly

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Businesses must continue to adapt and innovate if they are to thrive in the face of disruption and intense competition.

Change is essential to the growth and profitability of an organization, but it is frequently resisted by individuals and groups within the organization, making its implementation challenging.

Change Management is the process of assisting and preparing individuals, teams, and organizations as they modify their operations, processes, and structures.

Change Management requires addres

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11027130453?profile=RESIZE_710xA number of business professionals choose independent consulting over corporate employment each year. For them, a career in independent consulting means a flexible schedule, the opportunity to be their own boss, and the fulfillment of their complete potential. For some people, independent consulting involves utilizing their genuine skills.

Independent consultants provide consulting services independent of a consulting firm. They utilize their own experience to assist an individual or organizatio

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5 Essential Qualities of a Successful CFO


 Historically, the post of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has functioned as a steward of financial expertise, moral integrity, and shareholder value, selecting criteria to analyze organizational development and ensuring value.

Due to inflation, a greater number of rules, and more governance obligations, the CFO position is now present in practically every company. However, the final quarter of the 20th century was distinct. Prior to 1978, less than 10% of American corporations employed chief finan

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10879151658?profile=RESIZE_710xDifferent tactics are used by organizations to gain competitive advantage and outperform rivals. Positions, assets, and economies of scale have historically been used by top multinational companies with a wide range of product or service offerings as sources of competitive advantage.

Today's top business players pursue competitive advantage in a totally different way. Critical competencies are being used by market leaders today to outbid their competitors. They place more of an emphasis on develo

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Conflicts, downturns, disasters, and pandemics place businesses in hazardous situations marked by low turnover, stagnant growth, unemployment, and even bankruptcy.

Frequently, these circumstances arise without knowledge. It is challenging to guide organizations through challenging circumstances and to predict the effects and severity of crises.

Financial planners and CFOs seek to address these situations, but they are frequently uncertain about what would work in the short term and what should

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10516786682?profile=RESIZE_710xFinancial insecurity, the unpredictability of regional and global situations, environmental threats, and advancements in technology have caught organizations off guard.  Consequently, many leaders have ended up turning to Scenario Planning to generate potential possible scenarios, in contrast to planning and devising strategy for a single possible circumstance.

Scenarios include plausible, yet unforeseeable situations and challenges.  They encompass various permutations of facts and anticipated s

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4 Traits of Exceptional Leaders

Lead1Evaluation and onboarding of outstanding leaders is anything but straightforward.  Almost all organizations have set up testing mechanisms or assessment centers to distinguish senior leadership candidates having traits that make up for Exceptional Leaders.  These assessment centers shortlist leaders based on certain indicators and criteria.

However, these assessments are not always accurate in predicting the best leaders.  At times, the entire evaluation exercise results in drafting mediocre lead

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7 Steps to Focus-Driven Growth

Editor's Note:  If you are interested in becoming an expert on Strategy Development, take a look at Flevy's Strategy Development Frameworks offering here.  This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts.  By learning and applying these concepts, you can stay ahead of the curve. Full details here. 

9786713076?profile=RESIZE_400xWhat makes companies great in their industries is sustained above-average Growth.


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Forms of Organizational Forgetting

9076515663?profile=RESIZE_400xOrganizations have, in recent times, become more aware of the worth of regulating their Organizational Knowledge.  Extensive studies in academia have been conducted on the subject, because of its importance.

Organizations learn with time and experience.  The cause-and-effect relationship is gathered in the collective memory of the organization in the form of:

  • Shared mental models
  • Standard operating procedures
  • Rules and routines
  • Assets

This learning, in some cases, becomes a source of Competitive Advan

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Tuckman's 5 Stages of Group Development

8756961262?profile=RESIZE_400xStudies on Team Motivation and Building Effective Teams stem from the research carried out in Psychology and Sociology.  Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), the Founder of Modern Psychology, is credited with conducting the 1st research on the subject.

The Social Psychologist Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) is credited with introducing the term “Group Dynamics.” The term defined the constructive and destructive forces within Groups of people.  Lewin pioneered the Group Dynamics Research Center at the Massachusetts

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