sustainability (9)


Risk management is an essential part of running a successful manufacturing facility, including risks, security and facility sustainability. Creating a space that is safe, healthy, and secure is critical, but with climate change policies changing, ensuring the long-term success of a facility also requires sustainable changes that reduce the environmental impact of a facility.

In this article, we will address the common risks and challenges of the manufacturing industry as well as the key strategie

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Australian mutuals, dedicated to sustainability for decades, lead the charge in building resilient enterprises against climate challenges. Ben Woods of Australian Mutuals History highlights their early actions, B Corp certifications, and eco-initiatives, inspiring a future of sustainability, transparency, and collaboration for all.
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Reuters Events
Hi  Global Risk Community member,

In the wake of increasing regulations and non-financial reporting demands, failure to comply carries a multitude of risks. Sustainability is no longer a “nice to have” but critical to the compliance, resilience and long-term financial viability of business.

Unlocking the full potential of sustainability in your organization demands collaboration across departments. Sustainability can no longer be siloed, it must be “built in” to bu
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Reuters Events
Hi Global Risk Community member,

While a robust Scope 3 emissions reduction roadmap is undeniably important, social inequity and environmental injustice also pose significant risks to supply chain effectiveness. It’s essential that social impact and the welfare of your suppliers and their local communities are core to your organization’s responsible sourcing program.

In this exclusive webinar on Driving Equity and Impact in the Supply Chain, you’ll learn why engagi
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Climate change is arguably the most pressing issue faced by mankind today. To even have a chance against it, everyone must strive to reduce their impact on the environment. 

Companies, in particular, should assume a leading role in preventing climate disaster. Doing so benefits not only the environment but the businesses themselves. A 2020 study from Unily found that 65% of workers prefer to work for a company with a strong environmental policy. This indicates green companies appear more reputabl

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Reuters Events
Hi Global Risk Community member,

We need action now, but business is constrained by the need to grow amidst challenging times. Leaders are tasked with developing commercially successful businesses that can meet and exceed all their financial obligations while delivering the transition to a net-positive business model. To survive and thrive in the future, business must lead the sustainability transition.

In this exclusive 60 min webinar hear from corporate leaders w
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Bank of America Merrill Lynch found in 2018 that firms with a better ESG record than their peers produced higher three-year returns, were more likely to become high-quality stocks and less likely to have large price declines or go bankrupt.


However, study by NN Investment Partners1 showed that more than half of professional investors still think that incorporating ESG into their investment strategy will reduce their returns, with more than 70% thinking this in Italy and the Netherlands, along wi

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Integrating ESG factors into investment decision making is no longer optional, it’s a must. Larry Fink’s recent letter to CEOs re-iterated that long-term decision-making is at the forefront of client demands. The talk has shifted to real investment action.

The Global Sustainable Investment alliance has valued sustainable investments as over $30trn, a 34% surge since 2016 with no sign of slowing down.

However – investors and asset managers still lack critical data, and ESG factors still are suscept

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