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Key Sustainability Principles


Sustainability: Where’s it Heading?


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Miguel Reynolds Brandão on August 31, 2015

From the public debate over Amazon’s workplace culture to the Security and Exchange Commission’s approval of the CEO-to-worker rule, it’s been an interesting few weeks for those of us who care about sustainable organizations. Clearly people have strong feelings about what companies owe society and how front-line workers should be treated.

When the SEC rule finally goes forward, publicly traded companies will

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Interview with William Meehan, Executive Director, Capital Markets Trading Compliance at CIBC

The Volcker rule was published in December 2013 by US regulators and requires banks with over $10B trading assets and liabilities to prove that they are not participating in proprietary trading through the reporting requirements. It is a new regulation which has limited guidance from the regulators, causing confusion among banks. At the current time, the main focus for banks is to better understand the V

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