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Dude hacked Lottery Computers

Who needs psychics to reveal future lottery numbers when you can hack into the state lottery association and tamper with it? That apparently was the reasoning of Eddie Raymond Tipton, 51.

Prosecutors believe Tipton inserted a thumb drive into a computer—the one that spits out random numbers for the lottery, says an article in the Des Moines Register, according to a report at

At the time of this purported crime, Tipton was head of security for the Multi-State Lottery Association. S

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Usurious Returns on Phantom Money: The Credit Card Gravy Train


Ellen Brown

The credit card business is now the banking industry’s biggest cash cow, and it’s largely due to lucrative hidden fees. 

You pay off your credit card balance every month, thinking you are taking advantage of the “interest-free grace period” and getting free credit. You may even use your credit card when you could have used cash, just to get the free frequent flier or cash-back rewards. But th

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Unscrupulous Special Interests and Their Vaccine Crusade

Global Research, April 17, 2015

Polio is something I have more than a passing acquaintance with. Two days before my fifth birthday a medical doctor in Minneapolis diagnosed me with polio. I only learned decades later that it was not polio, poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis as it was also called. It was shortly after World War II. Then a few years later we were presented

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

The Endless Game: FIFA’s Corruption Gambit


Binoy Kampmark
Global Research, May 30, 2015

“As predictable as it is depressing.  All those FIFA members that voted for Blatter have betrayed the game they are supposed to cherish.” Gary Lineker, The Express, May 29, 2015

When the world’s football federation FIFA makes more news than usual about its habitual state of corruption, something has definitely fallen.  Earlier in the week, it came in the form of arrests.  These we

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Tips to destroy and shred

You can’t be too neurotic about shredding sensitive documents to smithereens. For example, some people make a career out of “dumpster diving,” digging through trash in search of bank account information, credit card preapprovals, medical bills, mortgage statements, etc., and then they commit fraud, including creating new accounts with the found information—accounts in the victim’s name.

And by the way, anything with your signature can be a gem to the dumpster diver, as your signature can be forge

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Enrique Suarez

The State of Education in the United States: Cornerstones for a More Effective Education


MIT Professor Jay Wright Forrester’s Work on System Dynamics

During the last twenty years, Jay Forrester's attention has been focused primarily in two areas: 1) the creation of a system dynamics model of the United States economy, and 2) the extension of system dynamics training to kindergarten through high school education. Forrester sees the former project as leading to a new approach to

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Is your Website and Data secure?

Imagine a lifeguard at the beach sitting on his perch. His job is to patrol and monitor for signs of trouble. He sees a surfer being attacked by a shark. Wow, a lot of good it does that he’s in a completely helpless position; by the time he scrambles off his perch and runs towards the water, the victim has bled out. Ouch.

This is the same concept behind cyber crime. By the time a business or everyday Internet user realizes they’ve been hacked…major damage has been done. We can’t just be reactive.

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Free Financial Markets Are A Hoax

8028232459?profile=originalEnrique Suarez Presenting:

Free Financial Markets Are A Hoax


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Global Research, May 27, 2015

There are no free financial markets in America, or for that matter anywhere in the Western word, and few, if any, free markets of any other kind. The financial markets are rigged by the big banks, the Federal Reserve, and the Treasury in the interests of the profits of the few big banks and the dollar’s exchange value, which is the basis of US power.

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You will love the Tri-Band WiFi technology; it can connect all of your devices at the same time. The only router capable of this is the Netgear Nighthawk X6 AC3200 Tri-Band Wi-Fi Router (a.k.a. Netgear R8000).

This router provides three connections and has six wing-like antennas. Another feature is the ReadyShare USB. The user who’d really be interested in the Netgear R8000 is the one who has all sorts of electronics like a complete entertainment system, desktop PCs, a few laptops, game consoles,

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Cyber Defense and Cyber Security Policies in the UK and Germany

The EU and Member States in Global Affairs: Any sign of convergence?

A PowerPoint Presentation By:

Marco Mayer, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies &

Luigi Martino, University of Florence (CSSII)


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Healthcare-Industry.jpg?width=300News last week broke that a CNA Financial Corp. unit is seeking a judicial ruling that would waive its obligation to pay a $4.1 million settlement to Cottage Health System, on the grounds that the health system failed to meet the “minimum required practices” for cybersecurity risk management.

Cottage Health System, a Santa Barbara based non-profit organizations, suffered a breach of over 30,000 medical records in the fall of 2013. The breach was caused by a third party vendor that housed personal

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Nuclear Weapons: Making Us Feel Secure by “Threatening Armageddon”

Source: Jim McClus
Global Research, May 26, 2015

The terrifying film The man who saved the world has been showing in London. Stanislaw Petrov, who appears himself in the film, was the lieutenant colonel in charge of the Russian early warning system when the electronic alarms blared deafeningly and insistently in his command centre. All checks confirmed that there was no malfunction. They confirmed a nuclear

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Trusting too much brings Trouble

There will always be the person who lives on the Equator to whom you can sell an electric heater. As they say, there is a sucker born every minute.

This is why cyber criminals will always have a field day, like the crook who posed as a tax man who got an elderly couple to send $100,000 to an offshore bank account after he tricked them.

This was a fear-based scam. The other two categories are compassion and self-interest. And just because a person can’t be frightened doesn’t mean that their heart s

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I was helping an organisation develop a risk appetite statement recently. The board members had not previously been exposed to such a “device” and as you would expect were a little reticent. While I pride myself on being able to communicate the value of more formal approaches to risk management in a way that it makes sense for people, it remains the single hardest part of the process. Every now and then you hear something said back to you that is better than anything you said before.

On this occa

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Risks of Public WiFi

Wired internet or wireless WiFi, the warnings are out there: Don’t visit any websites that you have important accounts with when using a public computer (hotel, airport, café, etc.).

Visiting even a more trivial account, such as an online community for cheese lovers, could sink you—in that a cyber thief might get your username and password—which are the same ones you have for your bank account, PayPal and Facebook.

Why is public Wi-Fi such a bad thing for shopping and banking and other such activi

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8028234687?profile=originalEnrique Suarez Presenting:

Sowing the GMO Seeds of Depopulation?

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Criminals use six basic principles to influence and steal. In the first post we discussed:

  • Reciprocation: Do something nice for a person and they will feel obligated to return the favor.
  • Social Proof: This is the “It’s okay if everyone else does it” approach.
  • Commitment and Consistency: Get someone to verbally or in writing commit to something, and this will increase the chances they’ll follow through.

Robert Cialdini is a psychologist who studied influence for nearly 30 years, condensing his findin

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8028234291?profile=originalEnrique Suarez Presenting:

The YouTube video of 12-year-old Victoria Grant speaking at the Public Banking in America conference last month has gone viral, topping a million views on various web sites.

Monetary reform - the contention that governments, not banks, should create and lend a nation's money - has rarely even made the news, so this is a first. Either the times they are a-changin', or Victoria managed to frame the message in a way that was so simple and clear that even a child could under

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8028232497?profile=originalEnrique Suarez Presenting:

 Carey Wedler

Global Research, May 22, 2015
The Anti-Media 21 May 2015

On Wednesday, the Justice Department announced that 5 major banks will be fined a total of about $5.7 billion. The banks plead guilty to manipulating global currency and interest rates as far back as 2007. Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Swiss bank, UBS, will pay fines that symbolize the government’s desire to reign in the power of the financial elite.

The New York Tim

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3 Ways Criminals influence to steal

Criminals use six basic principles of Influence to steal. In this post we will discuss the first 3. The ability to influence boils down to science. By applying some science, anyone can learn to be more influential. It’s easy to influence sheep and cattle. It’s a bit more complicated to influence people. But many people can be influenced as easy as a cow. Criminals understand this the same way sales people do. The derivative of “confidence” is con. All influence in some way is designed to gain yo

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