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Gone are the days of the fat wallet bursting at the seems, since smartphones can now contain most anything that a wallet does—except the driver‘s license. But don‘t write that possibility off just yet.

5W1.jpg reports on a story from the Des Moines Register that the Iowa Department of Motor Vehicles is hot on the trail of getting driver‘s licenses into smartphones: an app that would contain all the applicable data, a scannable bar code and a two-step verification which would include a biometri

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Google-NSA Nexus: New Chromium Browser Installs Eavesdropping Tool on Your PC


Global Research, June 25, 2015

Google is one giant data and intelligence giant data and intelligence gathering operation. This latest browser revelation (see full story below) only confirms what we already suspected. 

As a private tech start-up, Google was partly seed-funded by both the NSA and CIA, and has since been completely co-opted by US intelligence to retain what t

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How to prevent being tracked

You worry about being hacked, but what about being tracked? Yes, there are hackers and then there are trackers.


Internet tracking namely refers to the user‘s browsing habits being followed. But there are ways to make the trackers harder to tag behind you.

  • Duhh, a fake name. What an innovative idea! It‘s amazing how many people have their real name splashed all over cyberspace. Sure, you should use it for LinkedIn, and also Facebook if you want your childhood classmates to find you. But do you real
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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

The Delphi Declaration on the European Russian Crisis


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, June 24, 2015
Institute for Political Economy 23 June 2015

The Delphi Conference on the European/Russian crisis created by Washington  issued a declaration repudiating the EU attack on the Greek nation.

The Delphi Declaration asks the European peoples, especially the Germans, to do the right thing and object to the plunder of Greece by the One Percent. This appeal to good wil

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How to Avoid Bad Apps

If you think there’s like a million apps out there, that’s not exactly an exaggeration. For sure, there are more than you can imagine, which makes it easy to conceive that many certainly come with security problems.

In fact, out of the top 25 most popular apps, 18 of them bombed on a security test from McAfee Labs recently.

Creators of apps put convenience and allure ahead of security. This is why so many apps don’t have secure connections—creating welcome mats for hackers; they get into your smar

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Be Cautious When Using Wi-Fi

The proliferation of mobile devices means that we can work or play online from almost anywhere, so it’s no surprise that public Wi-Fi networks have become more common. From hotels and coffee shops, to universities and city centers, Wi-Fi is widely available, but is connecting to these networks safe?


If you were carrying on a highly sensitive conversation on a park bench with your closest friend, would you want everyone in the immediate area to gather around and eavesdrop?

That’s essentially what h

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Prem Rawat on the Inner Quest for Peace

8028234664?profile=originalPrem Rawat began speaking about peace when he was just 4 years old. Although perhaps unable to fully articulate at such a young age, his extraordinary passion for peace has inspired millions of people over the last five decades.

Since his childhood, Prem has dedicated his life to addressing humanity’s essential need for peace. His perspective on peace goes beyond words. It is both practical and tangible. Peace is possible; it needs

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

The Deadly Impacts of Anti-Russian Sanctions on the European Economy. 2.5 Million Jobs Threatened. Study


RT News
Global Research, June 21, 2015

The sanctions imposed by the EU against Russia and Moscow’s retaliation would cost Europeans 100 billion euros in economic development and jeopardize up to 2.5 million jobs, a new study said.

The EU imposed the sanctions against Russia over the Ukrainian political crisis, targeting access to foreign credits and oil and gas in

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

The Human Aversion to “Doing the Right Thing”

Does Anyone Want to Make the World a Better Place?


John Kozy
Global Research, June 19, 2015


Does anyone want to make the world a better place? Do you know anyone who does? Have you known of anyone who has? Think carefully about these questions, because things are not always as they seem.

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued an Executive Order as a wartime measure freeing the slaves in the ten states that were in rebel

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Ever wonder just what happens to the data in a data breach incident? Does it go into some kind of wormhole in cyberspace, out through the other end? Well, the answer is pretty much so, when you consider that hacked data makes its rounds on a global scale, taking only 14 days to land in 22 countries spanning five continents—according to an experiment by Bitglass.

Bitglass, a cloud access security broker, did some research, generating over 1,500 fake names, credit card numbers, SSNs and other data

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Tips to being anonymous Online

One of mankind’s greatest inventions (besides the wheel) is the Internet.

Unfortunately, with this marvelous invention comes the drawback of privacy—or shall we say, lack of.

The Internet is a wonderful tool, but users must fight to remain as anonymous as possible, because getting too much of yourself “out there” could lead to trouble. In fact, it’s a big business all in itself: tracking users’ data and selling it to advertisers. Now this may sound rather benign, because no matter how much or how

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A different spin on capability

I follow Nassim Taleb’s (author of The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable) lead which is to not pay too much attention to business news otherwise you might start to believe you really do know what is going on in the market.  He says, don’t read it every day, it’s better to absorb, like osmosis. Every now and then, something really worth getting into pops up.

Last Friday I picked up a Financial Review for a plane trip perusal and  found an article about NAB CEO, Andrew Thorburn, in th

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Morgan Keane made headlines in 2014 at the RIMS Enterprise Risk Management Conference in Miami, Florida, and has done so again in a profile now posted to

Keane highlights her work in reaching out to and educating over 7,000 employees at the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, and her role with the RIMS Risk Management Society.

We commend Morgan on her fine work! For more information about how you can engage stakeholders and mature your ERM program, request a LogicMana

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Top 12 Scams Happening NOW

Scamerama is here to stay! Scams are as old as time, and evolve as inventions and technology evolve. Top scams, according to a report on, are as follows:

  1. Scammer “accidentally” overpays you for an item you sold online; you cash the crook’s phony check and wire back the difference. You’re out cold.
  2. You order something online and it’s not delivered or version arrives that’s nothing like in the advertisement.
  3. You prequalify for a credit line or loan that seems too good to be true. It
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1. Could you please introduce yourself, describe your career path and your main goals?
I have worked for the Islamic Finance Council based in the UK,  where I was part of teams which - gave the Islamic finance governance frameworks for the Nigerian Central Bank’s insurance and pension commissions,  have provided Islamic finance capacity building and training to Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation backed African financial inclusion entity Efina,  have worked with one of UK’s largest credit uni
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How to plan for Digital Disasters

In this day and age, we should never hear someone proclaim, “Oh my God, my computer crashed! I lost everything!” You can’t lose something that’s been properly backed up.

So many people, including ones with businesses that rely upon cyber communication, continue to avoid backing up their digital data.

Nobody is exempt from the No. 1 rule of backing up your data. Anything could happen:

  • Hard drive crash
  • Accidental deletion
  • Water damage
  • Fire
  • Theft (offline)
  • Ransomware

The planning for digital disasters begin

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

These Two Women Are Rattling Wall Street With Common Sense Values


Pam Martens and Russ Martens:

May 27, 2015

Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts is a household name in America. Kara Stein is not. But both of these women are having a seismic impact on entrenched Wall Street group-think in Washington.

Stein is one of the five Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), appointed by President Obama and sworn in just 22 months ago. Stein brough

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What is a Cache?

Perhaps someone has told you that you need to “clear your cache,” but what does this mean and why should you do it? A cache is a folder of recently visited webpages, which is stored on your computer’s hard drive, and maintained by your Internet browser.

The purpose of a cache is to speed up the loading of webpages. Your computer’s hard drive collects data from websites that you visit, so that when you visit them again, certain aspects of the previously visited pages (such as graphics) don’t have

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According to a new Intel Security study, more than 2,000 American parents and kids ages 8-16 were surveyed to unveil some interesting things.

  • 79% of the juvenile respondents learned online safety from their parents.
  • 35% of them said they’ve been a cyberbully.
  • 27% of them said they have met, or would meet, a person in real life who they initially met online.

Technology is often blamed for all of this. But what drives these behaviors is the same force that drives the schoolyard bully to trip the bookw

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Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Fast-Tracking TiSA: Stealth Block to Monetary Reform. The Banking Game Exposed


Ellen Brown

Global Research, June 12, 2015
The Web of Debt Blog

It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning— Attributed to Henry Ford

In March 2014, the Bank of England let the cat out of the bag: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it. So wr

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