artificial intelligence (26)

The understanding and diagnosis of cancer are being revolutionised by artificial intelligence (AI). The complexity of cancer is becoming better understood because to this technology, which is also enhancing the precision and effectiveness of cancer diagnosis and therapy. 


We will examine the potential of AI in cancer diagnoses as well as the difficulties that come with this technology in this blog post.

Artificial intelligence (AI): What is it?

AI is a subfield of computer science that gives comput

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One of India’s fastest growing ed-tech startups in the k-12 space, STEMROBO Technologies has expanded its horizon to provide training in the latest cutting-edge technologies by announcing the launch of a Tech Entrepreneurship Program in association with AIC IIT Delhi for 8-18 years of age group. Through this program, future business leaders will be developed, and students will be assisted in transforming their ideas to work on real-life problem statements, helping them to become problem solvers

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Upskilling Strategy in 6 Phases

9738510277?profile=RESIZE_400xEmployees with the right skills make or break an enterprise, create brand impression, represent the company’s culture and values.

Disruptive technology is changing the contemporary work environment.  Employees in traditional roles are now feeling insecure and disengaged.  This dissonance threatens to take away the Competitive Advantage of companies.

Employee Engagement has emerged as one of the significant pillars on which the Competitive Advantage, Productivity, and Growth of an organization rest

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3-Phase Flywheel Strategy Approach

9662216489?profile=RESIZE_400xStrategy Development has followed a set path since the last century where a predetermined, rectilinear, and inflexible approach defined the process.

In the 21st century, however, business leaders are devising Strategy by evolving it into a probabilistic, repeated, and multifaceted process.  An approach that can both endure and adapt to the growing pace of Change and Disruption that is manifesting itself in all industries.

Using gaming, AI, unremitting execution, and adjustment, with numerous scena

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AI-2Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one area considered by many executives to enable Automation and steer positive growth.  A couple of years ago, most executives thought that deployment of Artificial Intelligence isn’t a big deal.  However, revamping traditional systems, implementing AI, and scaling it, in reality, is not as simple as it seems.

A survey by PwC Research in 2020, which gathered responses of 1062 business leaders, validates that scaling and industrializing AI is not straightforward at

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Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk, the man behind Tesla Motors' electric car and SpaceX, already warned us: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to become the greatest threat to society. Even astronomer Stephen Hawking and other scientists warned us. But a monster created by ourselves that wants to destroy humanity raises many questions.

When you think of AI, the first thing that might pop into your head are the Hollywood films where evil robots play the leading role and want to take over the world. Well, science fict

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