customer engagement (2)


Marketers are fascinated by why some products or services achieve massive popularity while others are swiftly forgotten. Historically, the same charm that once glued people to their TV screens now compels us to frequently check our smartphones.

Nir Eyal, the author of the bestseller "Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products," illustrates how the most engaging products follow a strategy called "the Hooked Model." With his background in both technology and psychology, Eyal has developed this mod

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4 Realms of the Experience Economy


The concept of the "Experience Society" refers to a socioeconomic shift wherein experiences, rather than services or products, are the primary commodities of society.  This concept has been significantly impacted by the works of theorists Alvin and Heidi Toffler.

The Tofflers' analysis of societal transformation facilitates comprehension of the transition to an experience-oriented society by establishing the groundwork.  Their anticipation of the shift towards a knowledge-driven and information-b

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