psychology (5)


Marketers are fascinated by why some products or services achieve massive popularity while others are swiftly forgotten. Historically, the same charm that once glued people to their TV screens now compels us to frequently check our smartphones.

Nir Eyal, the author of the bestseller "Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products," illustrates how the most engaging products follow a strategy called "the Hooked Model." With his background in both technology and psychology, Eyal has developed this mod

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6 Key Theories of Employee Motivation

10992096493?profile=RESIZE_710xContent, motivated, and inspired employees are essential to the success of a business. Leaders and human resource professionals find it challenging to appreciate human psychology and the factors that drive people to achieve their objectives. Here, the data and outcomes created by the different Theories of Motivation become relevant.

According to research, only a tiny number of employees are driven and invested in their respective companies. This increases the importance of understanding the Theor

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Neuroscience of Change: 6 Core Principles

neuroscience change 2Business Transformation initiatives are typically undertaken to solve a pressing issue, bring about improved performance, or to serve customers better.  A critical element of the success of such initiatives entails transforming the existing behaviors of the employees across the organization.  However, this isn’t a straightforward task.

Attitudes and practices get reinforced in people by following established routines day in and day out.  Such practices become a part of an Organizational Culture o

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The Pathology of the Rich - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself 



Chris Hedges

Published on Dec 5, 2013

On RAI with Paul Jay, Chris Hedges discusses the psychology of the super rich; their sense of entitlement, the dehumanization of workers, and mistaken belief that their wealth will insulate them from the coming storms.

You can watch the video at:

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Whistleblowing- The Psychological Paradox

I read the recent news that Mahindra Satyam (previously known as Satyam Computers) declared its financial results after two years of working at the previous fraudulent statements and restating the same. You might recall, the fraud was alleged to be perpetuated by the previous owner Ramlinga Raju the then Chairman of the organization for an amount of Rs 7000 crore (Rs 70,000 million) or more. The CFO and External Auditor (PWC) are considered accomplices in the fraud. The new owners made a stateme

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