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Jeremy Corbyn’s Economic Vision


Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Jeremy Corbyn’s Economic Vision


Stephen Lendman

Global Research, September 27, 2015

America, Israel and Britain are the developed world’s most unequal countries. Wealth disparity in all three are extreme and widening – government-sponsored hellishness for their ordinary citizens, finding it increasingly harder to get by on stagnating low incomes, reduced benefits and rising cost of food, shelter, healthcare and other essentials.

Western governments overall are dismis

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One of the reasons you—and many others—don’t have your alarm on during the day is because you know you’ll keep forgetting to turn it off every time you want to step into the garage or go outside. So you just keep it off. And that’s not smart because many home invasions and burglaries occur during daylight hours.

Typically, home security systems require you to push buttons.

  • What if you panic and forget the code?
  • What if you accidentally disable it?
  • What if your naughty visiting nephew messes with it?
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You have the best IT security, but dang it…the bad guys keep getting in. This means someone inside your house keeps opening the back door and letting the thieves slip inside. You have to find out who this enabler in your company is, and it may be more than one.

They don’t know they’re letting in the crooks, because the crooks are disguising themselves as someone from your company or a vendor or some other reputable entity.

After figuring out who these welcome-mat throwers are, you then have to con

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The US-EU Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement: Big Business Corporate Power Grab

Enrique Suarez Presenting:

The US-EU Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA): Big Business Corporate Power Grab


Colin Todhunter

Global Research, September 24, 2015

The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) between the US and EU intends to create the world’s largest free trade area, ‘protect’ investment and remove ‘unnecessary regulatory barriers’. Corporate interests are driving the agenda, with the public having been sidelined. Unaccountable, pro-free-trade bureaucrats from both side

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Seniors big Target for Romance Scams

Janet N. Cook, 76, was duped by a dashing younger man. A report at explains that in July 2011 she connected with Kelvin Wells via a dating site.

Next thing, this seemingly-together man was in trouble and needed lots of money. Cook got burned; she sent the crook nearly $300,000 (amazing; just try to get a friend to give you $100).

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center warns:

  • If that wonderful man (or woman) sounds too good to be true and speaks poetically, e.g., “We were meant to be
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Volkswagen – The Cost of Deception

“We screwed up”. Michael Horn, head of VW’s US operations, offered a stark apology and admission of cheating on diesel emissions. “Our company was dishonest with the EPA, and the California Air Resources Board and with all of you” was the confession offered by Mr. Horn during a press conference to discuss the now explosive findings of devices added to their cars to fake the appearance of passing emissions tests. The scandal, like most acts of deception, will widened into a predictable pattern of

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Do you have the right ojectives?

Most organisations, although to my surprise not all, have a strategic plan with defined objectives. The challenge is to ensure you have the right objectives. Ask yourself, with the objectives we are pursuing, what question are we answering? Are we even asking the right question?

When it comes to strategic plans and objectives, we have a tendency to immediately start thinking about how to implement the first idea that comes into our head. We start asking ourselves, how am I going to pull this off?

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Ins and Outs of Call Center Security

Companies that want to employ at-home workers for their call centers to save money and reduce the hassles of office space have to look at security considerations. In addition to thorough vetting of the agents and their equipment, organizations also need to ensure that the security is top-notch. A cloud-based contact center combats these issues. Here are some considerations:

  • Will it anger customers to have an agent who can’t speak clear English? Not only does poor speech of the employee drive some
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Cheating Website hacked hard

Bad guys hacked bad guys. Hmmm, whose side should we take? got hacked. This site helps and suggests married people cheat. The hack threatens millions of users, potentially revealing their credit card information, addresses, real names, pictures and content of their chat logs.

This dating site has 37 million users and is owned by Avid Life Media. Their other sites, Established Men and Cougar Life, were also hacked.

The hackers responsible call themselves The Impact Team. They objec

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Visit Proactive Risk Management at ASIS 2015

Proactive Risk Management will be at the ASIS 2105.

Visit us at the booth 967: Proactive Risk ManagementASIS 2015

Proactive Risk Management Inc. (PARM) is a leading multinational provider of risk management and security services. By taking a global and integrated approach to risk management and by recruiting the security industry’s top talent, PARM has been able to provide an unmatched level of service based on four interconnected pillars: business intelligence, incident management, loss prevention & secur

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How to prepare for Digital Disasters

Editor’s Note: In this week’s guest blog security expert Robert Siciliano explains how to protect your IT systems and your business from hardware failure. To learn more, download our new e-book, “5 Things Small Businesses Need to Know about Disaster Recovery.”

It is September and that means National Preparedness Month: an ideal time to get involved in your community’s safety. Make plans to stay safe, and this includes keeping ongoing communications alive. National Preparedness Month culminates Se

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10 Ways our Privacy is invaded

Once you become active online…and especially once you become “connected” with a smartphone…your privacy will be in sizzling hot demand—and in fact, you can bet that as you read this, it is already being invaded in ways that you couldn’t possibly imagine. Here are some of those ways, provided by

  1. Someone could be collecting information on you via a keylogger: It’s a little tool that records your keystrokes, that someone secretly inserts into your computer. A keylogger, however, can also
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ERM and Risk Appetite may Derail SoulCycle's IPO

Last month, SoulCycle, a well-known high-end cycling business, filed for an initial public offering. In the midst of this exciting transition from private to public, SoulCycle was hit with a lawsuit for violating the Credit Card Accountability and Disclosure Act. One might assume that the company was outed by a compliance agency or regulator. But, surprisingly, this lawsuit comes from a disgruntled former customer, Rachel Cody, who felt she was being "robbed" by the cycling mogul she once truste

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How COSO destroyed Risk Management

I have published an article with Corporate Compliance Insights on COSO and risk management.  I would like to get this groups opinion on the article: Pros and Cons and hear your arguments for why you agree or disagree?  Basically, I truly believe that risk management and the growth of risk practice must have one component of internal controls as a building block but it is time for risk to depart from COSO and develop more r

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Auto Hacking is a real Thing

You’ll probably be shocked to learn that last year, thousands of cars with keyless entry technology were stolen in London, says a report from

But fact is, the more connected a vehicle is to the cyber world, the more hackable the vehicle is—and the hack could be to steal the vehicle or hurt the owner.

Rule: Anything that’s connected, especially via WiFi can be hacked.

The article notes that recently, a Jeep Cherokee was hacked with a smartphone via its Internet-connected navigation and en

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Catfishing Scammer tells all

Catfishing is when someone creates a phony online account—and not necessarily to scam someone for financial gain. An article on tells all about a person who’s been catfishing for eight years.

She started in middle school by creating “Joey” on MySpace. She then commented, as “Joey,” on her real MySpace page to make herself appear that some cool kid named Joey thought she was pretty.

She got older and didn’t have friends. Don’t blame her for this. Her mother was an addict and father behind

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Jeanette Franzel, board member of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), recently spoke at the American Accounting Association (AAA), according to The Wall Street Journal. She says audit-oversight inspections show a twenty percent increase (since 2013) in internal-control deficiencies of company audits. Inspections also indicate that 36 percent of company audits now have internal-control deficiencies, which constitutes a threefold increase from five years ago.

Franzel indicated th

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Define Your Digital Strategy—Now


Enrique Suarez Presenting:

Define Your Digital Strategy—Now


Ross, Jeanne W.
Sebastian, Ina

Center for Information Systems Research (CISR)



Abstract: The confluence of social, mobile, analytics, cloud, Internet of Things, and other powerful, readily accessible technologies is disrupting businesses in all industries. Success requires a coherent digital strategy that is informed by the capabilities of these technologies. Leaders guide investment decisions by focusing on eithe

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As recent data breaches have shown, cyber attacks are particularly threatening to government entities handling sensitive data like Social Security numbers. Unfortunately, state agencies struggle to hire cybersecurity professionals.

The cause of this staffing shortage? There simply aren’t enough qualified people for the job[i]. Thankfully, change is in the air.

To attract skilled cybersecurity experts, some state governments are expanding IT internships for high school and college students. Many ar

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8028237476?profile=originalThis past April, an Air Force reconnaissance airplane caught fire. At the time, 27 airmen were on the plane, and all their lives were put in danger. What went wrong and caused this costly error? According to U.S. Air Force investigators, the mistake traces back to an error in vendor management. In this case, a vendor failed to properly secure an oxygen tank, resulting in a “highly flammable oxygen-rich environment that ignited.”

Findings also indicate that problems with the military contractor ma

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