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Did Someone Say Agile?

Recently I was running an education workshop for a group of 35 leaders from a financial services organisation. We looked at their risk culture survey results, their organisation’s value statements, the behaviours they see from staff and the behaviours they will need to portray as leader, to continue to build a strong culture of accountability for the management of risk.

What caught their attention the most was this slide, when I explained that risk management done well delivers a more agile organ

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Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics
São Paulo Compliance & Ethics Conferences | 29 August–1 September, Basic Compliance & Ethics Academy | 2 September, Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference
Basic Compliance & Ethics Academy  |  Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference

Looking for compliance training and networking in South America?

Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics® (SCCE®) is proud to offer a variety of compliance and ethics conferences in São Paulo to help you learn about current hot topics, network with colleagues, earn live Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® continuing education units (CEUs), and get insights and solutions on how to better de

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Laptop and Desktop Management System Project ” is a web-based application that is developed in PHP and MySQL servers. It helps customers to book laptops or desktops online. “Laptop and Desktop Management System” contain data on products related to laptop and desktop. The main purpose of the “Laptop and Desktop Management System” is to systematically record, store and update recorded data.

The proposed system is a completely integrated online system. It automates manual procedures in an effectiv

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10654445874?profile=RESIZE_400xGlobally, corporate non-compliance is a serious problem.  Major firms have been involved in well publicized cases that demonstrate how misguided the common explanations are for why employees indulge in illegal acts. 

No compliance program can totally stop undesirable behavior by a small number of workers.  However, behaviorally aware programs have the potential to achieve primary objective of Compliance, namely the reduction of unethical and illegal behavior within the organization. 

To do this,

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Drug abuse is a family disease that can devastate and even destroy the nuclear family unit. Substance abuse and alcoholism are symptoms of a complex problem that often includes hereditary, environmental, physical, mental, and emotional problems. The preceding list describes the relationship between both the addict and his or her family. Addiction and substance abuse can harm your career, overall health, and most importantly, your relationships.

Opioids are a class of drugs that are naturally foun

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Critical Factors Of Digital Transformation

If you’ve ever been inside a store, restaurant, airport, or government office, you’re already familiar with how technology is transforming our economy. New technologies have caused industries to transform throughout history. New tools are always being developed to make people more efficient.

Competition in any industry requires those doing business to adopt new tools and techniques. When companies rely on technological innovations to produce better products or provide higher quality services, th

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10654530062?profile=RESIZE_400xAll firms have as their strategic goals accelerating growth and performance while simultaneously adding value for customers.

Although it is common for managers to place a strong emphasis on financial success, competent managers actively seek out new possibilities to generate value.

If handled wisely, Business Model Diversification enables value generation and may help managers improve performance and broaden the enterprise's objectives.

Any sustainable organization is built on a system of symbio

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New data shows workplace stress is at an all-time

high, but managers can take practical steps to

support their employees.


Cesar Carvalho

July 08, 2022
Management Review

In recent years, business leaders have become increasingly aware of the toll that stress takes on employees. In one recent survey, nearly three-quarters (73%) of CEOs said their organizations offer assistance for managing stress.

But even the best intentions don’t always lead to positive results. And a new global an

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Project Name User Registration & Login and User Management System With admin panel
Language Used   PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

This is a mini Project. This project describes in two Modules. One is the User module and the second one is the admin panel.

Click :

User Module


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(PHP Gurukul) In this tutorial, we will learn how to get employee data between two dates in PHP from the database. Below is the step-by-step procedure.

bwdatesinphp-1024x606.png 300w, 768w, 1327w" alt="bw dates data in PHP" width="1024" height="606" />

Step1: First create a database with name “betdb” where emp

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Hello my avid readers, I know you all are very fond of different kind of fruit and vegetables, and always keep a bunch of them in your refrigerator after buying them from market.

But do you know, those fruit and vegetable do not come directly to your nearby market, just after collecting it from farms.

There is a long yet interesting procedure behind it.

So, let’s begin to explore what and how it happen.


Fruits and vegetables are the most perishable commodities, but they are essential com

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According to a market report, published by Sheer Analytics and Insightsthe global Nanosatellite and microsatellite market was valued at $1.3 billion in 2021 and it is expected to reach $8.9 billion at a CAGR of 17.60% between 2022 and 2032. Nano-satellites and microsatellites are built in a fraction of the time and cost of larger satellites by reducing the reliance on deployable structures and complex mechanisms. These satellites have their own set of limitations. The ability of small satellit

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Natural foods and beverages are easily digested and contain no artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, or preservatives like hydrogenated oils, stabilizers, or emulsifiers. However, there is no certified inspection system in place to ensure that the label is correct. Furthermore, the natural food and beverage market has significant growth potential because food service providers such as restaurants and hotels are motivated to provide healthy food and beverages to meet the needs of health-conscio

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The 10 Most Popular Articles in 2022 (So Far)

Managers are seeking ways to improve employee well-being and build a strong workplace culture.

Ally MacDonald
July 05, 2022
Management Review

Year three of a global pandemic. A war in Ukraine. Inflation in the U.S. at a 40-year high. Small talk around the watercooler (mainly the virtual one, nowadays) certainly feels heavier than it used to.

Recent Gallup data indicates that in 2022, companies and managers remain challenged by the task

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Third-Party Chemical Distribution Market was evaluated at USD 272296.5 million in 2020 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5% during the forecasted period.

All sectors have relied on Third-Party Chemical Distribution Marketto keep their manufacturing lines stocked with raw materials. Because of the critical significance of this business, we have a compelling need to comprehend its influence on the global economy. As urban environments evolve at breakneck speed, the sector has seen a spike in d

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A cancer biomarker is a compound or process in the body that detects cancer. A biomarker is a naturally occurring compound produced by a tumor or a specific body reaction to the presence of cancer. Biomarkers from biological, epigenetic, proteomic, glycemic, and image processing can help with cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and epidemiology. Biomarkers of this type should preferably be tested in non-invasively collected biofluids such as blood or serum.

Biomarker testing is a method of looking for p

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One of India’s fastest growing ed-tech startups in the k-12 space, STEMROBO Technologies has expanded its horizon to provide training in the latest cutting-edge technologies by announcing the launch of a Tech Entrepreneurship Program in association with AIC IIT Delhi for 8-18 years of age group. Through this program, future business leaders will be developed, and students will be assisted in transforming their ideas to work on real-life problem statements, helping them to become problem solvers

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Project Name Complaint Management System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Modules of Complaint Management System

  • Admin
  • Users


  • Admin can create a category and also manage the category
  • Admin can create Subcategory and also manage the Subcategory
  • Admin can create state and also manage the state
  • Complaint Management Admin
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Lock in Success

Following on from my top three tips for you before you take up a new CRO or senior risk job offer, to avoid a nasty surprise, here are my three tips for when you start the role, to lock in your future success:

  1. Stand in the shoes of others: As you go through your induction and learn to navigate your way around the organisation’s policies, systems and its physical locations, ask yourself what it would be like for a non-risk senior manager. How is the role of risk in good governance portrayed? Would
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Grain And Cereal Crop Protection Market was valued at 22.4 USD billion in 2020 and is expected to rise by CAGR of  2.4% between From 2020-2030.

All sectors have relied on Grain And Cereal Crop Protection Market to keep their manufacturing lines stocked with raw materials. Because of the critical significance of this business, we have a compelling need to comprehend its influence on the global economy. As urban environments evolve at breakneck speed, the sector has seen a spike in demand for speci

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