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Many of you may know Dan Ariely, he is an Israeli American professor of psychology and behavioral economics. He teaches at Duke University and is the founder of The Center for Advanced Hindsight. Ariely's talks on TED have been watched 2.8 million times

Dan's YouTube video is an entertaining and profound explanation for why we rationalize dishonesty.  We should not judge Lance and Manti so harshly.

I hope you enjoy the video and I'd be curious what your thoughts are abo

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Social Media for Security and Risk Management Professionals

Everything you NEED to know



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Social media is a growing influence on businesses and executive management.

Do you know they key issues affecting your business and how social media plays a role? 

This webinar is aimed at security and risk managers to help them quickly understand the issues, concerns and opportunities that social media presents.

The session will cover:

  • What social media really is for businesses
  • The big ones to be
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Crisis Management and Leadership Education Tutorials



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Exclusive, professional video training series includes over four and a half hours of content. Resulting from years of experience, writing, leading and managing crisis management teams, I have put together this unique training package covering all the essential elements of effective crisis leadership and management.

The video training includes:

  • The fundamentals of crisis management
  • An introduction to the essential success factors f
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70 Travel Risk Management Safety and Security Tips [Video]


All travel should be considered hazardous, until proven otherwise. This 70 travel risk management video set provides professional tips and advice on how to manage the threats and hazards of travel.

Ranging from the administrative processes to extreme events such as natural disasters each video is a short 2-5 minute education tutorial that will assist in reducing the risk of travel, anywhere you travel.

You will receive a unique, informative

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For all those who can read Dutch and are interested in technical analysis, we offer this trading update prepared by LOEF Technische Analysis BV.

The detailed research report is to download via the following link.


If you have your own opinion on financial trends in 2013, please provide your comments in the comments section below.

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ISO 31000 supporting Basel II

On the G31000 LinkedIn risk forum, we have decided to open up a new "chat room" that is dedicated to the application of the ISO 31000 enterprise risk management standard to Banking, Insurance, Supply Chain Finance, Markets and Investment.

The link for the new group can be found by clicking the [Link here].

In this blog posting however, we are going to consider whether ISO 31000 is compatible with Basel II from the outset, [Link here].
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A comprehensive round-up of some of Mr Ingram's work (of IngramSure (UK) Ltd) on investigating the instability and risk that is built into the foundations  of the world's economies. Edward thinks that this is where Risk Managers need to assert themselves by getting involved in the design of the products that they are risk managing.

BORIS - Edward you have been telling me and much of the world on your blogs about your researches.


It seems that your approach to risk management is somewhat unique.

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The past three years have seen a number of man-made and natural disasters bring risk management demands to the forefront of executives and board directors. Fat-tail risks that have a low probability, but a very high impact to the organization, such as the Japanese tsunami, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill or the euro-zone liquidity crisis, have been front and center, creating a renewed interest in enterprise risk management (ERM) practices.

John Brown, Director, Risk Management, Supply Chain & Techni

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Performance and VaR together

A presentation that looks at how to apply Value at Risk in a trading environment alongside other performance reports.
A lot of market risk analysts often question how they can compare risk with return or the relevance of tracking error in the context of value at risk and performance calculations.
In this short blog posting, I link to a presentation which explains how performance reporting, risk measurement and tracking error may be delivered side-by-side.
The presentation can be found at this [L
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If you're reading this today, the world did not come to an abrupt end on December 21, 2012.

There were no fiery asteroids falling from the sky, no volcanoes erupting in Hong Kong, no tsunamis swallowing New York City or massive earthquakes violently forcing the continents back into a Pangean supercontinent..

For all those who can read Dutch and are interested in technical analysis, we offer this trading update prepared by LOEF Technische Analysis BV.

The detailed research report is to download v

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Addressing Procyclicality

Really good paper on procyclicality and the problems with Basel III countercycle buffers

Perhaps one of the biggest issues facing banks with Basel III is how to address Procyclicality, especially if the bank is not running an Advanced IRB credit risk framework. Actually, just obtaining information about the different accepted practices on how to measure Procyclicality within a lending portfolio isn't so easy.

Just the other day however, I was pointed in the direction of a really good summary and p

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Risk Leadership: The Value of Independence

I just read an article in a newsletter published by the Macquarie University natural hazard research group, Risk Frontiers, discussing the case of the six Italian scientists and a government official who were found guilty of manslaughter for "failing to adequately communicate the level of risk" regarding an earthquake swarm. Their conclusion - "A need for separation between the roles of scientists and that of authorities responsible for civil protection is strikingly clear. Scientists need to be

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Metric Stream for Data in my Workshops.

1.Define a single risk appetite taxonomy across the organizations, such that

everyone understands and reports risks in a common language. This

would help in board level comparative analyses across products,

processes, business lines and other organizational elements.


2. Break down organizational silos to create an integrated risk appetite

information repository. This would aid in the sharing of information

across the organization, increasing its capability to aggregate risk appetite

information and en

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How can data appear in the Project

Through file transfer on email. These files are in ASCII. They are used by WordPad.

They are registred as private, public or hybrid (with pictures).

Through visualization one may see parts of data.

Data comes in, volume, variety and velocity.

My workshops may introduce you in Storing and Querying Big Data in Hadoop Distributed File Systems.

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Use of subconscious mind and how to use dreams for being astray with overwhelming data.

Using night for insight.

Easy data insight at

My ateliers (workshops) are about the application of probabilitiy theory in brand new calculation re-education.

Also, improving measures of dimension from quality time and cost, to other dimensions.

These workshops concentrate on a calculator reintroduced as a new mean of approximation and data therapy.

I saw many similar data, on different support

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When all is said and done, regulatory requirements comes down to data management. Legislation like Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank have ushered in the necessity of adopting a data governance program to align information accountabilities amongst stakeholders, and to foster intelligent collaboration between the business and technology.

“Data governance is a set of processes that ensures that important data assets are formally managed throughout the enterprise. Data governance ensures that data can be
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You can't Always Get What You Want...

You want a risk management program that conforms to a particular STANDARD.  Standards usually present highly organized risk management systems.  But that is not what is needed for many of the threats that our firms face.   What We really need is a risk management program that fits our threats.

  • If your threats are severe and intense, you need a highly cooperative risk management system.
  • If your threats are highly complex, you need a highly organized risk management system.
  • If your threats are highly
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By Tom Riesack and Ute Herzog

In the ‘new normal’ of highly regulated financial markets, corporate treasurers are feeling the reverberations in their daily activities. Corporates are using swaps to hedge their commercial risks, stemming from currency, interest and commodity price exposure. To mitigate such risks treasurers have a whole arsenal of instruments ready to deploy such as swaps, forwards and options as well as individually structured products.

Under current bilateral trading agreements,

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