The ever-growing derive towards smaller and lighter items presents many difficulties for the power supply architects. Specifically, discarding abundance heat created by power semiconductors is turns out to be increasingly troublesome. Subsequently it is significant that the power supply is as small and as proficient as possible, and throughout the years power supply engineers have responded to these difficulties by consistently decreasing the size and improving the productivity of their structur
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In the modern age, organizations are striving to form a sustainable Supply Chain system to cope with the challenges that are arising. Such issues include the emission of hazardous substances, excessive resource consumption, Supply Chain risks, and complex procedures.
Through Strategic Planning, organizations around the globe are adopting strategies to become a sustainable organization. In fact, there is an increasing trend towards organizations adopting sustainable Supply Chain Management practi
Supply chain thinking used to be limited to the managers of a few global companies—companies that were struggling to coordinate internal information and materials. This, however, led to an exciting boom in cross-business coordination based on Supply Chain Management concepts.
Today, the field has broadened and shifted over time. Current supply chain trends—differentiation, outsourcing, compression, and collaboration—are being used to restructure supply networks and improve coordination. As more c
Strategic Supply Chain Planning is the "Pegasus of Strategy." It can soar, but it also needs to keep its feet on the ground.
Companies with a global supply chain now need to introduce its strategic left hand to its operational right hand. To make planning more valuable, its strategic supply chain planning needs to combine strategic planning with its tactical supply chain planning. The importance of aligning strategic direction to the supply chain has become of utmost importance.
Senior Managers
Supply Chain Resiliency is the capability of the Supply Chain to be prepared for unexpected risk events. It is the Supply Chain’s ability to respond and recover quickly to potential disruptions. It can return to its original situation or grow by moving to a new, more desirable state in order to increase customer service, market share, and financial performance.
Resilience is currently an increasing concern in the Supply Chain caused by globalization. The Supply Chain is globally being subject to
Now, more than ever, there is a growing demand for the establishment of effective and efficient data centers. An important factor determining the efficiency of a data center is its power distribution units and how the servers and devices are powered in a data center.
Power distribution units are power strips that transmit and control power in a data center. While this may sound simplistic, the functionalities of the data center rack power distribution unit have evolved over the years. Not only do
Supply Chain Management is getting more and more complex. The pressure on the Supply Chain information to be made public is also increasing day by day. With the popularity and widespread use of social media, it has become more and more difficult for organizations to hide information pertaining to supply chain practices, employees’ treatment, suppliers’ processes, or waste materials generated that could affect the environment. Social media often publicizes negative reports on companies’ supply
Supply chain thinking used to be limited to the managers of a few global companies—companies that were struggling to coordinate internal information and materials. This, however, led to an exciting boom in cross-business coordination based on Supply Chain Management concepts.
Today, the field has broadened and shifted over time. Current supply chain trends—differentiation, outsourcing, compression, and collaboration—are being used to restructure supply networks and improve coordination. As more c
Supply Chain Management across industries has become way too complicated and globalized today. Since the popularity and use of Social Media has grown, organizations are increasingly getting under pressure to disclose their information publicly. This pressure on information transparency has reached a level where external stakeholders expect to know the details of an organization’s Supply Chain practices much more than what is typically required to disclose legally.
Executives are finding it hard
According to ChemAnalyst report, “India Polystyrene Market: Plant Capacity, Production, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End Use, Type, Distribution Channel, Region, Competition, Trade, Customer & Price Intelligence Market Analysis, 2015-2030”, India’s Polystyrene market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period due to increasing Polystyrene utilization in food packaging applications and take-away containers backed by country’s strongly growing restaurant foo
According to ChemAnalyst report, “India mLLDPE Market: Plant Capacity, Production, Operating Efficiency, Process, Technology, Demand & Supply, Grade, Application, Distribution Channel, Region, Competition, Trade, Customer & Price Intelligence Market Analysis, 2015-2030”, India’s metallocene linear low-density polyethylene (mLLDPE) market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR of 7.21% during the forecast period on account of increasing utilization of mLLDPE in manufacturing superior quality and h
Healthcare supply chain management can be a daunting job due to its fragmented nature. It is where control of the supply chain of healthcare is essential for organizations. Supply chain management in healthcare includes planning, designing, implementing, monitoring and tracking the movement of products and services.
This allows greater net value to be generated, supply to be matched with demand, sustainability to be achieved with efficient logistic force and performance measurement. Healthcare su
In today’s digital age, organizations are faced with the changing nature of the demand curve and the element of uncertainty in the supply chain. For operations teams, the challenge and competitive advantage have become: How well do you respond and execute against ongoing uncertainty.
With the world being so unpredictable, chaos is now the new normal. Timetables and priorities have shifted. A supplier fails to deliver. Demands on supply chains are increasing exponentially. A few years ago, supply
The Value Chain concept, first described by Dr. Michael Porter in 1985, is a series of actions that a firm—in a specific industry—accomplishes to produce a valuable product or service for the market. The value chain notion visualizes the process view of an organization, perceiving a manufacturing or service organization as a system comprised of subsystems of inputs, transformation processes, and outputs.
Another way to define the Value Chain principle is, “transforming business inputs into outpu
Richard Werner: Banking & The Economy
Banks have a pivotal function in the economy, they are the main creators of the money supply. In granting or issuing so called 'loans' to their customers they create the money that is essential to make the modern economy work. In fact says Prof Werner: 'there is no such thing as a bank loan' he says what happens is credit creation, when banks make the money (credit ) needed out of nothing.
He explains how the system works, whereby, from a miniscule deposit of

An interesting question was sent to me only the other day on Supply Chain Risk Management.
"Martin, do you have any specific risk frameworks or do you know of any good case studies that have been published on Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)?".
Supply Chain Risk Management is a complex and intertwined risk initiative to kick off and we have included a schematic which outlines some of the requirements that may need to be covered. We have also linked to an absolutely fantastic white paper that is
As domestic and international trade continue to grow, companies are starting to consider the benefits of alternative sources of trade financing, according to David Hu, Managing Partner, IIG Trade Finance LLC.
“The cost of capital for banks, the traditional providers of trade finance, has increased tremendously. They also have other issues, such as the setting of LIBOR, which is being questioned right now. With the increasingly tighter capital requirements of Basel III, banks will have to tighten