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The power of value 4.0 for industrial internet of things

There is a huge task ahead of companies that want to transform their production and business operations and generate value with digital technologies.

December 22, 2020
Many companies expected 2020 to be a challenging year. They anticipated technological shifts that would affect their business—like the transition from combustion to electric vehicles for automot
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8401379254?profile=RESIZE_400xOrganizations that have survived over time have had to reinvent themselves over and over with the changes in the environment.  These Business Transformations almost always include Cost Reduction that tend to lean towards Headcount Reduction.  Headcount Reduction is typically achieved using 2 approaches:

  1. Downsizing
  2. Restructuring

Downsizing keeps the fundamentals of the roles same with only fewer people performing those roles.  Whereas, Restructuring creates new roles, as well as modify existing role

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Figures released by the Oral Health Foundation found that at least one in four British adults need an energy drink to get through the day, and many of us use it as a beverage to give us the energy boost we need to get through our gym workout.

Whilst water is strongly recommended to drink during your workouts, some gym-goers prefer the taste of energy drinks and the sugar output that it provides. However, have you ever considered just how damaging this could be to your overall oral and physical he

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एमएसएमई यानी माइक्रो, स्माल एंड मीडियम एंटरप्राइज। भारत की जीडीपी में एमएसएमई सेक्टर का विशेष योगदान है। इसी के साथ यह भी एक शानदार तथ्य है कि एमएसएमई सेक्टर में करीब 13 करोड़ लोगों को रोजगार मिला हुआ है। केंद्र सरकार की तरफ से एमएसएमई के कल्याण के लिए समय  समय पर लोन योजनाओं का संचालन किया जाता है। सरकारी लोन योजनाओं से मिलने वाले बिजनेस लोन को एमएसएमई बिजनेस लोन कहा जाता है। एमएसएमई बिजनेस लोन मिलना अब बहुत आसान हो गया है। क्योंकि अब लोन की अधिकतर प्रोसेस ऑनलाइन ही होता है। एमएसएमई लोन मिलने

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According to ChemAnalyst report, “Global Acrylic Acid Market: Plant Capacity, Production, Operating Efficiency, Technology, Demand & Supply, Application, End Use, Distribution Channel, Region, Competition, Trade, Customer & Price Intelligence Market Analysis, 2015-2030”, the global Acrylic Acid market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR of 5.9% during the forecast period on account of its increasing demand for manufacturing Acrylate Esters, which are the key raw materials for manufacturing of

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Growing sales of passenger vehicles, increasing demand from mining sector and growth in construction activities in the country to drive Australia automotive coolant market through 2025

According to ChemAnalyst report, Australia Automotive Coolant Market By Vehicle Type (Passenger Car, Commercial Vehicle, Two-Wheeler and OTR), By Product Type (Ethylene glycol, Propylene glycol and glycerol), By Technology (Inorganic acid technology, Organic acid technology and Hybrid organic acid technology), By

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Improving risk management for third parties has been a constant concern of compliance officers in their work as responsible for an anti-corruption program. At the beginning of each year, the results of the management are evaluated and some organizations make great efforts to improve the risk management of third parties, it cannot be hidden that third parties are increasingly posing greater threats. 

For this reason, we believe that it is a good idea to share here a series of suggestions to improv

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In this interview we reviewed how 2020 changed what we do in Risk Management and Governance and what are themes emerging in 2021. The main topics discussed are - What are the key risk areas boards and managers are worried about and want more training on? - How delivery methods are changing and how to combine the remote delivery with high engagement. and more...
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8358265667?profile=RESIZE_400x Business Transformation is a given in the lifecycle of organizations.  If an organization or business desires to continue growing gainfully, it has to keep Restructuring and Innovating with time.  Successful Restructuring can be achieved by pursuing a robust 4-phase approach.  Each incremental phase paves the way for shaping the next phase:

  1. Strategic Analysis
  2. Structural Redesign
  3. Redeployment
  4. Renewal

Redeployment is the most critical phase in the Restructuring process.  It presents an opportunity to

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कारोबार छोटा हो या बड़ापैसों की जरूरत दोनों में ही होती है। पैसों को इस जरूरत को पूरा करने के लिए बिजनेस लोन की आवश्यकता होती है। मगर जो सबसे बड़ी समस्या छोटे कारोबारियों को झेलनी पड़ती हैवो है कि बिना जमानत के बिजनेस लोन कैसे लें? कहां से लें? और किससे लें? इन तीनों ही सवालों का उत्तर है कि बिना ज़मानत के बिजनेस लोन आप एनबीएफसी से लिजिए।  

जानिए क्या है NBFC 

NBFC का फुल फॉर्म होता है Non Banking Financial Company. यानि कि वे Finance कंपनियां जो कि बैंक नहीं है लेकिन लोन प्रदान करती हैं। NBFC 

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The word outsourcing has become a buzzword in the healthcare business. Additionally, outsourcing has been turning into an undeniably popular strategy that healthcare associations can use to deal with the expanding expenses of offering different types of services. With the assistance of outsourcing, an external service provider assumes full responsibility for overseeing some of all of the healthcare organization’s business.



Benefits of Hospital Outsourcing

Outsourcing services associated with

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As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation initiatives have risen to the top of the agenda for many global financial institutions.

With refined priorities and the impact of the pandemic still being felt, they are having to maximise efficiency and return across all areas of the business.

Even before the pandemic encouraged a shift towards digital solutions in order to maximise business efficiency, enhance customer experience and meet evolving compliance expectations, globa

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