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8028328880?profile=originalIdentifying what the market wants is a critical issue for most executives.  Likewise, the decision on how much to charge for a product is also crucial for planners.  This is where Market Research comes to rescue.

One of the Marketing Research methods that researchers most commonly employ is the Conjoint (Trade-off) Analysis.  Conjoint Analysis helps in identifying product features that consumers prefer, discerning the impact of price changes on demand, and estimating the probability of product ac

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A commonly quoted statistic is that 80% to 95% of the cost of a product is determined by its design and is therefore set before the itempic-1-5-Cost-Management-Strategies-300x200.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_710x enters manufacturing. This assumption suggests that the dominant focus of Cost Management should be during Product Development and not during Manufacturing.

However, contrary to a widely held assumption, companies can integrate a variety of Cost Management techniques not only in the design phase but throughout the product life cycle.  This is to ensure that ther

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Digital video advertising is one of the most common ways of targeting online viewers. Experts believe that video advertising could influence the next decade, which means that it is now an excellent opportunity for marketing experts to know more about it and consider ways to boost their scope and overall campaign effectiveness.


The world of digital video is not static. Experienced marketers realize that they need to remain on top of technological innovations and consider what consumers want and ne

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Create a Crisis Growth Plan: Start With Opportunity Marketplaces

Successful strategic execution may depend on this emerging talent management strategy.

June 23, 2020



The COVID-19 pandemic has completely disrupted how most global enterprises operate. With new priorities comes an urgent and strategically important challenge: ensuring that enough of the right people are working on the right opportunities at the r

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Data Science, Quarantined

Data Science, Quarantined

By MIT Sloan Management Review

Companies are beginning to reboot their machine learning and analytics, which have been disrupted by the global pandemic.

July 15, 2020

The economic impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented, dramatically changing markets and prospects for economic growth. Supply chains, transportation, food processing, retail, e-commerce, and many other industries have transformed overnight.

Unemployment in the U.S. has reached

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What do you want to see at #RAW2020?

RISK AWARENESS WEEK is an annual event that aims to promote risk management practices, risk psychology, decision science and quantitative risk analysis to decision makers globally. It is 100% online event and will bring leading risk management researchers and practitioners to thousands of computers or mobile phones globally.

RISK AWARENESS WEEK 2019 had over 2800 participants from 121 countries, becoming the largest online risk event ever, and RAW2020 is promising to be even bigger!

Our theme next

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Lawsuit against Trudeau Government: Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati and the Lies and Crimes of the COVID Operation

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Building a Definition of Development

The idea of development itself, its definition, and even the method we use for defining it, would be a good place to begin toward discovering its potential in our lives. We cannot rely on any single, or even ten, definitions. We need to look at the full range of literature that arose following the end of World War II, decolonization, and reconstruction from when international development spawned in our era. H

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When things like ticket booking, watching TV shows, ordering food are being digital, education is still lagging in terms of digital education. The number of Internet users is growing increasingly with an increase in the number of smartphones. It provided a good chance to provide education online.


Online education is slowly and steadily becoming popular with the interest of working professionals to learn new things, technology. Digital education is an academic practice that ultimately helps studen

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There Is No Science to Support Mandatory Face Masks. A Symbol of Social Submission?

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COVID-19 has taken the world by a storm. Financial markets, manufacturing, services, and tourism have been hit hard.  In fact, it haspic-1-COVID-19-10-Trends-in-Consumer-Behavior-200x300.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_710x also changed the way we work, communicate, interact, and shop more than any other disruption in the decade.

As a result, there have been key changes in Consumer Behavior. There is a growing reluctance to visit crowded places, the increasing shift of work from the office to home, and the higher propensity for digital adoption and Digital Transformation.  The changes

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Advanced packaging has reached its most productive period, fueled by the need for better integration, the end of Moore's law and, beyond that, megatrends, transport, 5G, user, memory & computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC).


The term packaging simply means wrapping or protecting products. In the media world, it usually refers to the flow and sequence of commercial production or news from beginning to end. Electronics packaging is yet another concept, which in

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Corruption in The Medical Field: US Doctors Threatened Over Hydroxychlorquine Use. Dr. Fauci is Blocking HCQ

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Is America’s Second Corona Wave a Political Hoax?

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The initial concept of webcams introduced their use as a video camera connected to the Web continuously for an indefinite time. This is different from a particular session that generally supplies a view for anyone who visits its web page over the Internet. Many of them, for example, used as online traffic cameras, are costly, rugged professional video cameras.


Webcams are known for their low cost of production and high flexibility, making them a highly affordable type of videotelephony. When webc

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The Danger of the Guessing Game

8028331099?profile=originalMy stats guru colleague Dr Andrew Pratley and I are on the move to tackle Quantifornicationthe plucking of numbers out of thin air. Here is the first in a series co-written together.

We’re far better at identifying good and bad writing than we are identifying good and bad numbers. The premise of this idea almost doesn’t seem logical. How can a language like English, with all of its oddities, be easier to separate the good from the bad?

Our education in English has a substantial amount of time de

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COVID19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless

Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose

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The uncertain times, coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, have spur leaders to reflect on what kind of organization, culture, and Pic-1-Team-Resiliency-300x200.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_710xoperating model they need to put in place. This is to avoid returning to previous patterns of behavior and instead, be able to embrace the next normal.

In this rapidly changing environment, people in organizations need to respond with urgency, without senior executives and traditional governance slowing things down. Waiting to decide, or even waiting for approval, is th

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The Call for “Social Distancing” Pursues Hidden Goals

Citizens worldwide are still being urged to avoid direct contact with other people in order to protect themselves from infection with the corona virus, even though this virus does not pose any particular danger and “social distancing” has not been proven to be an effective protection. The relationship with the conspecifics is as important for us humans as the air we breathe. The restriction of

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