cost (12)

10 Rules for Cost Reduction

10953726100?profile=RESIZE_710xCost Transformation is a challenge that a firm must confront several times during its lifetime.  Effective and lasting Cost Transformation affords organizations the chance to alter their whole direction.  It may result in the sale of existing enterprises, even if they are successful, in the event that they do not align with the Strategy or the company's most distinctive capabilities.

Of late, Activist Shareholders are increasingly driving such Transformations.

Activist shareholders are investors i

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Site Selection -- 5Cs of Site Selection

9833684489?profile=RESIZE_400xSite Selection is the practice of choosing a new facility location. It involves measuring the needs of a new project against the merits of potential locations. The practice became popular during the 20th century, as operations of many organizations expanded to new geographies on a national and international scale.

Selection of sites has been known to have taken place due to factors such as:

  • Best required skills being available in a particular city.
  • Setting up in an off-the-trail location because al
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8272621083?profile=originalSupply chain management across industries is being revolutionized at a rapid pace by technology.  By implementing technology systems, supply chain organizations aspire to eliminate waste, meet customers’ needs at reasonable costs, and ensure profitability.   Enterprise Resource Planning systems facilitate in processing unstructured data at an aggregated level.  However, at workflow or micro level the data produced through ERPs needs to be further refined to understand costs.

Supply chain experts

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A commonly quoted statistic is that 80% to 95% of the cost of a product is determined by its design and is therefore set before the itempic-1-5-Cost-Management-Strategies-300x200.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_710x enters manufacturing. This assumption suggests that the dominant focus of Cost Management should be during Product Development and not during Manufacturing.

However, contrary to a widely held assumption, companies can integrate a variety of Cost Management techniques not only in the design phase but throughout the product life cycle.  This is to ensure that ther

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There is a general belief among organizations that a large percentage of a product’s costs are locked in by design.  It is assumed that pic1-Integrated-Cost-Management-300x193.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_710xlittle can be done once the design is set.  This assumption has influenced cost management programs across diverse products’ life cycles. As a result, the focus during the design phase is Cost Reduction and Cost Containment during the manufacturing phase.

Yet, organizations that operated in a highly competitive market and demanded aggressive cost management showe

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Supply Chains often get disrupted by calamities that are beyond human control.  Natural disasters, such as tsunamis and floods, in the last decade have drastically affected major businesses—from automobiles to technology, to travel, to shipments—and exposed critical weaknesses in Supply Chain mechanisms around the globe.  And, now, we are living through a global disruption of an unparalleled nature, COVID-19.

Organizations that rely on single-source suppliers, common parts, and centralized invent

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Cost Optimization Programs are hard to manage, sustain, and often tend to fall short of delivering the promised value. The failure could be attributed to many reasons—including lack of clearly delineated objectives, failure to account for the operational difficulties, internal resistance to change, trying to cut corners from everywhere, not paying attention to planning optimal utilization of resources; lack of direction, accountability, and management agreement.

However, the tremendous pace of te

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8028278090?profile=originalEmergency situations like natural disasters, data breaches, fraud, and the like arise, by definition, without warning, leaving you little to no time to prepare. So how do you build a BCDR plan that is flexible to handle any situation and is always up to date without huge investments?

The hallmark of a successful BCDR program is leveraging the information you already have to discover the potential impact and remediation tactics for an anticipated disaster. So, if you’re collecting information arou

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My company offers a system developed by Johns Hopkins Hospital doctors, which saves 54% on workers compensation costs just like Johns Hopkins Hospital did. You would realize comparable savings on other types of personal injury cases. I have attached an article from the Self Insurer, written by Dick Goff, the past president of the Self Insurance Institute of America which provides this information.

My colleagues and I at Johns Hopkins Hospital published research showing t

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A Comparison Among the Three Most Important Strategic Frameworks: Porter, the Resource-Based View of the Firm, and the Delta Model

Enrique Suarez

According to former MIT professor Arnoldo Hax, creator of the Delta Model, in spite of the enormous proliferation of competing schemes in the business strategy literature, there are two fundamental paradigms that have emerged as the most influential in the last two decades. First, Competitive

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A comprehensive round-up of some of Mr Ingram's work (of IngramSure (UK) Ltd) on investigating the instability and risk that is built into the foundations  of the world's economies. Edward thinks that this is where Risk Managers need to assert themselves by getting involved in the design of the products that they are risk managing.

BORIS - Edward you have been telling me and much of the world on your blogs about your researches.


It seems that your approach to risk management is somewhat unique.

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Here’s a common Project Manager story:
You, the Project Manager is creating the budget for your project. Your high level WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) is ready and you have the high level estimates needed for a budget baseline.
As a smart Project Manager, you will add a contingency (20-25%, which is common practice nowadays) to account for unknown events that may add to your cost. In that way, you save your project from going over budget. So far so good.

It seems like you have done your due dili

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