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Last week I wrote about leading learning organisations 2020s style where I explained that a great business acumen is enhanced with scientific method and creative thinking (see figure below). This week I’m concentrating on the scientists in organisations. For example, the data guys over there in the corner. They don’t say much, they beaver away, they create stuff. Some of it is great, some of it is interesting, some of it is not.

8028293692?profile=originalPure scientists follow very clear scientific methods to try to dispr

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Dear Global Risk Community member

Are you looking for professional training courses? IFF have courses that cover the whole spectrum of Risk Management. Whether you are looking for a two, three, five day course, or a distance learning course (validated by Middlesex University, based in London), IFF has training solutions that will have a positive impact on your knowledge and therefore your career.

Take a look at our Risk Management catalogue or read on to have see what courses are available f

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What is Network Encryption?

Network Encryption is a network security process that uses network transfer layer cryptographic services above the level of data link but below the level of application. Network transmission capacities are Layers 3 and 4 of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), the layers for connectivity and for routing between the two endpoints. Network encryption is invisible to the end user and is operated by any other encryption process using existing network services and applicatio

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Insurance Nexus’s latest infographic reveals the viewpoints of 450+ senior claims executives on the future of this vital function, and how you can embark on a journey of transformation that leads to vital market share.


We all know that your customer demands a speedy, transparent and bespoke claims experience.

At the same time, your organisation requires absolute efficiency, accuracy and flawless technological integration. Look left and right and you will know that the standard of service has neve

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All about Security-as-a-Service

Security as a Service (SECaaS) is a security management outsourcing model. Security as a Service typically involves applications, such as Internet-based anti-virus software, but it can also refer to the security management that an external organization manages in-house. Security as a service (SECaaS) is an Internet security service management cloud computing model. SECaaS is based on the Service Software model but is constrained to specialized information security

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An unsurprising study was recently released that found even when a portable USB drive is erased, not all of the documents and images are always removed. That, of course, is frightening.

Here’s how the research was done:

Researchers went online to sites like eBay, to second-hand shops, and even auction stores. They bought 200 used USB drives, half from the US and half from the UK. Almost 2/3 of the devices had data on them! This data was, for the most part, personal data, and it can also be used by

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Over the years, the agricultural sector has undergone several transformations. However, the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in 2010 has emerged as one of the revolutionary changes that the farming industry has witnessed.

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Precision agriculture involves the use of information technology infrastructure and resources to develop solutions that enable farmers to utilize the available resource

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What is a Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminal?

A Point-of-Sale (POS) terminal is a hardware system for processing payment of cards at retail sites. A software is integrated into the hardware to read magnetic credit and debit card strips. The next generation of POS systems is comprised of portable devices (i.e. not counter-anchored terminals), either proprietary, or third party, and contactless capabilities for emerging mobile payment forms.

POS terminals are in reality just computers running a software s

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The market value and volume are expected to grow with rifled/threaded bore firearms leading the overall growth of the market. The value of global rifled/threaded bore small arms market was $XX billion in the year 2017 and is expected to touch $XX billion by 2023. The market volume of rifled/threaded bore firearms in the year 2017 was XX million units which is estimated to reach XX million units by 2023 at a CAGR of XX% from 2018 to 2023. The growth will be driven by military modernization progra

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Yes, you can trademark a hashtag with vigorous comprehensive method and technique.

A remarkable trademark have-a-go of solitary trait and are rare. Hashtags marked trademark of the resource. As long as if it operates and performs as an identifier of the provenance of the aspirant's merchandise or facilities.

A ‘TRADEMARK’ is ‘Service Marks’ And ‘HASHTAG’ are ‘User-generated Tags’.


How trademark and hashtag are interlinked?

In reckoning tag “HASHTAG” or hash symbol entail aiding in general source-re

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What is an Electric Motor?

An electric motor transforms electrical power into mechanical power. In other words, the devices that produce rotational force are called the motors. The electric motor's operation depends in particular on the interaction of the magnetic with the electric field. This conversion usually occurs through the manufacture of a magnetic field by a current flowing into one or more coils.

Direct current sources such as batteries, motor vehicles or rectifiers and alternating curre

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The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge published in 1990 exposed to the world Senge’s seminal work on the learning organisation. While Senge’s five disciplines of Systems Thinking, Personal Mastery, Mental Models (blinkers or blind spots), Shared Vision and Team Learning continue to be important, if not vital, components of the modern organisation, leading the modern learning organisation has necessarily changed.

The figure below represents what it means to be a great leader of a learning organisati

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The banking industry is perceived as the most advanced in their understanding and implementation of risk management. Although banks have indeed made huge progress in risk management, two areas all banks can improve is the structure used in conducting their assessments to enable actionable and insightful strategic reporting.

8028296299?profile=originalI’ve found that the understanding and implementation of risk management is driven not by industry or size of institution, but rather by its people: boards, executives, their t

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What is Application Virtualization?

Application virtualization can be understood as a software technology which implements the encapsulation of an application to isolate it from its host Operating System. The output of this isolation process leads to the independence of the operating system, which can also be considered as one of the top advantages of deploying the application virtualization technology. Encapsulation is a fundamental and a crucial factor which enables the operation of application

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Large accounts make up a significant portion of business for most B2B companies. Therefore, losing an important customer can have detrimental effects on the organization. The significance of key accounts is urging top B2B companies to revisit their key account management approaches. Additionally, the increasing level of sophistication of the purchase process being adopted—such as, centralized procurement, competitive bidding and auctions, and laborious negotiations—by large buyers is a crucial

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This article is contributed by William G Ferrell, CIO of Ferrell Capital Management and the author of a new course on Global Risk Academy - "From Asset Allocation To Risk Allocation"

There is a lot to cheer about on Wall Street.

- Equity markets have performed well, particularly since the controversial US election.

- Earnings have been climbing

- Volatlity is low

- Demand for credit has increased the velocity and cost of money/return on cash

As always, investors are haunted by the “What’s ne

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On company’s risk dashboard, the signal for operational risk should be flashing red. Over the past ten years, losses from operational risk have soared. Companies that want to achieve a sustainable and profitable business need to focus on building a framework to manage operational risk.



What Is Operational Risk?


Operational risk summarizes the risks a company undertakes when it attempts to operate within a given field or industry. Operational risk is the risk not inherent in financial, syste

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