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Survival is about being Persistent

“Survivor.” What comes to mind when you see or hear this word? A victim of a disease or of a perverted crime? A TV show? We’re all survivors in that every day, we do something to stay alive—life-saving things we don’t even think about as life-saving, such as eating healthy and exercising. People die every day from killing themselves with food.


Survival also may conjure up true spectacular stories of survival, like the man who cut off his arm to free himself from a boulder because he was starving

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Researcher says HTTPS can track You

Perhaps you’ve read that “HTTPS” at the start of a website address means that the site is secure, encrypted. However, a feature of the HTTPS can track you, says an article at


HTTP is not secure. Carnegie Mellon University in a Register article states “HSTS”, which is “Strict Transport Security”  redirects users to HTTPS. The HSTS authors decided that this redirection every single time was a bit much, so they came up with a feature that browsers could remember regarding the HSTS

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ScreenHunter_200-Jan.-26-15.59.jpg?width=300Last week, Insurance News Net’s Trish Ennis examined the relationship between occupational  health, safety risk management and reputational risk.

Texas City refinery. Upper Big Branch mine. Deepwater Horizon. Tazreen Fashions factory. Rana Plaza. Each of these tragedies was caused by a chain of events that included safety and health system deficiencies. They have something else in common, too: They all caused significant damage to the reputations of the organizations involved.”

Ennis highlights an

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What is ATM Skimming?

Ever hear of a crime called skimming? It may not be as dramatic a crime as assault or Ponzi schemes, but it can cause significant problems to you as your  savings account can be wiped out in a flash.


Picture a scrawny nerd tampering with an automated teller machine (ATM)—the machine you use with your debit card to get cash. The thief places a device over the slot through which you slide your debit card. You have no idea it’s there. You swipe your card, and the device “skims” or reads your card’s

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Smartphones are picking up popularity. You can now access email, social media, and other things from a device that fits in your pocket (most of the time). And, although we hear about breaches and security flaws in the news, it seems like a lot of us don’t think it applies to our mobile device. Here are some of the most common mobile security myths.


  1. “Antivirus protection isn’t worth it for a smartphone.” Just because this device fits in the palm of your hand doesn’t mean it’s not worthy of as much
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When we talk about probability and risk as they relate to healthcare they are two terms that often get confused and misused. In November 2014 I attended a National Press Club luncheon featuring Anthony Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).[1] I attended Dr. Fauci’s lecture focused on the Ebola outbreak. As a Laboratorian and Health Educator there were many questions that I wanted to pose and gain knowledge on how the world was responding to t

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Feds warn of more Online Predators

What goes on in the home life of a 14-year-old girl such that she feels there’s nothing better to do than send nude photos of herself to a man whom she’s been corresponding with online? Though this goes well-beyond the parents not bothering to find out what their kids do online, another huge issue is the proliferation of online predators.


And for parents who DO care enough to monitor their kids’ cyber activities, here’s some unsettling news: A 2013 survey called  Digital Deception: Exploring the

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Fingerprint hacked by a Photo

You can’t change your fingerprint like you can change your password. But why would you want to change your fingerprint? The thought might cross your mind if your fingerprint gets stolen.


How the heck can this happen? Ask Starbug. He’s a hacker who demonstrated just how this could happen at an annual meeting of hackers called the Chaos Communication Congress, says an article at His “victim” was defense minister Ursula von der Leyen.

Starbug (real name Jan Krissler) used VeriFinger,

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iStock_000028942762Small-500x366.jpg?width=300One of the most frequently cited differences between Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and On-Premise installations is the degree of flexibility between each type of solution. With SaaS solutions on the rise for GRC and Risk Management Software, more and more organizations are realizing that everything they thought they understood about the differences between SaaS and On-Premise is wrong. So what can we learn from their mistakes?

A Conflict of Interest

On-Premise vendors make about 50% of their revenu

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1. Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I think I have made that effort and that, therefore, I will sleep for eternity.

Lessons: Understand that being alive is an opportunity to celebrate the divine within us and therefore the divine in others. The main duty of a human being is to recognize that for dignity and prosperity to be realized, peace should be felt first for it is within us in every breat

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8028230091?profile=originalMost people think of Risk Management in terms of finance, insurance and business. In healthcare, Risk Management seeks out errors with the potential to cause human harm. Risk Management consists of identifying, evaluating, and controlling the risk of these potential errors through a variety of quality control measures that become your medical practices’ Quality Control Plan. Risk Management is defined in ISO 14971 as the “systematic application of management policies, procedures, and practices t

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8028229871?profile=originalI’m sure you’re familiar with the game “Two Truths and a Lie.” If not, here’s how it is played; one person states three facts, and another person must guess which one of these three is a lie. Ready?

  1. An investment firm attracted over $28 billion in five years using an investment strategy developed by a 20-year-old intern.
  2. This investment firm was recently fined $35 million by the SEC for defrauding investors and presenting fabricated financial performance statistics to clients.
  3. News of the firm’s fr
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What is Dignity?

What is Dignity?

Dr. Deming’s work can answer this question of what is dignity using moral philosophy of management as part of the science of management. There is a vision of human dignity that is foundational to his work. Deming understood that the inherent dignity of human nature is honored when it is possible for people to make a contribution of intrinsic value to the common good. What Deming calls "pride in workmanship" satisfies a deep human need to be really and effectually of service to th

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If you want to be rich,
be generous.
If you want to be smart,
be simple.
If you want to be strong,
be kind.

Whatever you
are looking for
is inside of you.

You are missing nothing. You have everything.
The only problem is, you don’t know that.

All the things that we think
are important
will one day turn around
and become

Don’t let another day go by
without being touched
by the magic inside you.

What are the questions
that will lead to clarity about what it

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Thomas Piketty and the money illusion

In his book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, the French economist Thomas Piketty gives a stunning demonstration of how capital has become concentrated in the hands of a few and grown faster than the economy, except during the 30 years of post-war growth. This trend has inevitably made the rich even richer and caused the inequality gap to widen. Labour has thus become a casualty of capital. Piketty is fascinating. I had the occasion to be a modest participant at his side in a discussion at

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The Risk & Compliance Platform Europe

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Michel Klompmaker and I am the Managing Director of the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe.

Hereby I would like to welcome all who are interested in the field of Risk & Compliance to visit our website. This is an interactive website where we upload whitepapers, top stories (interviews and in-depth articles) and blogs about all aspects related to Risk & Compliance.

You can see the website here: Risk & Compliance Platform Europe

We will also be organizing events, s

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ERM: 4 Predictions for 2015

The year 2014 has come and nearly gone, and it’s clear that enterprise risk management will not go quietly into the night. Following a 2013 that saw Edward Snowden NSA leaks, a Carnival Cruise line generator fire, and Target’s credit card heist (to name only a signature few), this year has proven to be no slouch: FINRA has disciplined thousands of companies with over $34 million in fines, Home Depot and Sony fell victim to IT security threats, and GM issued one of the largest recalls in automake

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E-commerce sites, banking institutions, crypto-currency trading platforms, ride sharing applications, and virtually all financial products are subject to soberingly high rates of fraud. The internet paved the way for a new wave of technology applications that greatly improved the speed and efficiency of business to consumer interactions. Unfortunately, this significant reduction in friction has introduced one complexity: high rates of fraud due to the inability for businesses to verify users.


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Using MIT's Revolutionary Delta Model to Change your Strategic Thinking, Identify New Sources of Revenue, and Transform your Organization




Enrique R. Suarez


International Business Strategy and Management Consultant/Professor


Harvard Innovation Lab Student Advisor, Harvard University

European Commission Research & Innovation Independent Expert


Master of Education & International Develo

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A full-grown organization is customer-driven. Because it is customer driven, it is organized to discharge the processes that meet customer requirements. Processes that meet customer requirements are at the organization's core; the organization is organized around them. This is possible because:

  • Customer unique requirements are understood, including setting up the price that the customer can afford, quality assurance, and  timely delivery of products and services;
  • Processes have owners, and they ha
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