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Courtesy from Enrique Suarez

How Digital Multinationals Innovate Across Borders

Thursday, February 17, 2022

11:00 a.m. EST / 8:00 a.m. PST





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Digital globalization has opened novel avenues for international expansion, yet rising geopolitical tensions and nationalism create new types of fri

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Can’t Fill Jobs? Deconstruct Them

Breaking roles down into tasks reframes the talent problem from one of supply to one of demand.

February 02, 2022

The surge of workers leaving their jobs as the COVID-19 pandemic wears on — adding to employers’ talent woes in the midst of an already tight labor market — has drawn predictable responses. Organizations are typically reacting to the Great Resignation with increased pay and flexibility and better, m

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Data Centers to Power Up Indian Economy

Data is an important asset for any organization, driving every decision, pivot, and objective. According to The Economist, 97% of businesses leverage data to power their business opportunities, while 76% of businesses use data as an integral part of forming their business strategies. Comprehensive and high-quality data validated by skilled analytical professionals enables enterprises to make informed decisions and gain a competitive advantage to maintain their edge. As the entire ecosystem is gr

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Our Process

Our process is very inclusive, encouraging and interactive. We impart complete knowledge and paint compete picture about the desired career choice and give them real situation feel. Our mentors guide them on how to achive the right career path and motivate them over a period of time to meke them confident for the selection of appropriate career choice. 

" Continuous Motivation and Comprehensive Knowledge is the key to Success"

Parent-Student Expectations Alignment

Choosing a career is ul

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Ongoing development of IT infrastructure and high-end investment for construction of new data center is expected to drive the demand for the India Data Center Market in the forecast period, FY2023-FY2027.

According to TechSci Research report, India Data Center Market By Field Strength (High- By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027, the India data center market is anticipated to witness impressive growth during the forecast period, FY2023-FY2027. High-end investments for the deve

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According to ChemAnalyst report, “Nano Urea Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Production, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End-User Industries, Sales Channel, Regional Demand, 2015-2035”, The Nano Urea market is expected to witness considerable growth by reaching 360 million litres in 2035, at a healthy CAGR of 16% during the forecast period. Surging demand for Nano Urea from agriculture sector is likely to boost the Nano Urea market in the upcoming years. Nano Urea stands as a promising,

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The System vs. the Individual: Explaining the Violence in American
Society through the Lenses of the Happy Planet Index (HPI), System
Thinking, and the Concept of Human Nature and Evil according to
Noam Chomsky, W. Edwards Deming, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert
Einstein, Enrique Suarez and Dr. Gabor Mate


In Memory of all the Victims of Violence in America and the World


“I believe that to pursue the American Dream is not only futile but self-destructive because ultimately it destroys everything an

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In this week's blog post, we're sharing insights based on our latest interview with Atul Vashistha, the CEO of Supply Wisdom. Supply Wisdom’s mission is to help enterprises prevent risk disruptions that businesses face today. Their solution delivers continuous third-party and location risk intelligence and risk actions in near real-time across the widest risk aperture to minimise the risks of disruption facing their business, supply chains and third parties. They help with procurement, supply c

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A critical component of any organization's performance is ensuring that it adheres to internal and external rules and policies to avoid the dangers associated with non-compliance. Compliance risk management is the strategic process of identifying and managing compliance with applicable rules and regulations to more efficiently mitigate and manage related risks. 

Compliance risk management should prioritize avoiding financial and legal consequences and fostering trust and credibility among custome

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3 Strategic Thinking Games for Decision Makers

Str Games2Organizational leadership can draw on 3 Strategic Thinking Games to master Business Strategy and apply in varied scenarios and organizational structures.  The Strategic Thinking Games provide Decision Making models for senior executives to choose from and use as per the situation.

The Strategic Thinking Games are based on mathematics and statistics, particularly Probability Theory, and exhaustive research into the Business Strategy realm.  Probability Theory is actually a branch of mathematics th

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CyberRisk Business Alliance and ProcessUnity released research that benchmarks key questions related to the management of third-party risk programs.


The study surveyed 300 IT and cybersecurity decision-makers and influencers to understand how organizations manage risk within their third-party ecosystem. 


The results indicate that Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) teams are facing some difficult challenges as their third-

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Why you should start worrying about artificial intelligence now.

February 07, 2022
Source: MITSloan
Management Review
It’s been more than 50 years since HAL, the malevolent computer in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, first terrified audiences by turning against the astronauts he was supposed to protect. That cinematic moment captures what many of us still fear in AI: that it may gain superhuman powers and subjugate us. But instead
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10080294288?profile=RESIZE_400xCustomary practice to Capital Budgeting for satisfying needs of Information Technology development and support pursues a fragmented process and considers requests as stand-alone projects, each with its particular business justification.

The approach bases most of the capital allocation on historical expenditure patterns and financial projections.  It handicaps the underlying Enterprise Architecture making it inflexible and layered with unnecessary complexity.  The practice results in inferior out

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How hard are you implementing? Have you thought through implementation strategy well? Do you have measures in place to know how you are tracking? Or are you simply doing? If any of your answers are not positive ones, here are some tips to shift you out of wimplementation. Whether you are implementing a risk management program or any other change program.

It starts with analysis.

First, stakeholder analysis. You need to be very clear on who you need to influence, and which stakeholders have the mos

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"It's Barbarism"


"I see it coming masqueraded under lawless


alliances  and predetermined enslavements. It may


not be about Hitler's furnaces,  but about the


methodical and quasi-scientific subjugation of Man.


His absolute humiliation. His disgrace"

Odysseas Elytis, Greek poet, in a press conference on
the occasion of receiving the Nobel Prize (1979)


What do you think is really barbarism?





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Leading Disruption in a Legacy Business


A compelling growth ambition is a critical enabler for new ventures.

January 31, 2022

Few doubt that something extraordinary has happened at Nvidia, as its share price has risen by more than 8,000% over the past decade. It now ranks in the top 10 of the most valuable companies globally, thanks to its transformation from the world’s leading provider of graphic processors to a leader in computi

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Technology Is Not the Answer

From Ladakh and Bhutan to Sweden and Australia, a clear pattern has emerged: As people are pushed into deepening dependence on large-scale, technological systems, ecological and social crises escalate.

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Making Change

In 2017 Jeff Schwisow wrote in his book Projectify:

”In today’s business world, truly effective governance is more about
having a strategy for adapting to change and variability than being able to
predict the future and executing a plan that makes that prediction come true.”

No one is likely to argue with that point now!

Now let me apply similar thinking to the risk function in organisations:

In today’s risk function, truly effective risk management programs are more
about having a strategy to

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