audit (29)

Hi Global Risk Community member,
This is the webinar you are looking for!
Join Fastpath in a galaxy far, far away to learn about the evolving requirements for strong controls in your business applications and how best to mitigate the risks of the evil Empire of fraud. These internal threats stem from your business applications and need to be controlled if you are to achieve balance in your internal control system, but unfortunately are oftentimes overlooked. 
Join Fastpath on May 4 at 11AM

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Audits are essential for every organization, particularly those that adhere to stringent rules and standards. Whether done internally or by external auditors, audits entail a significant amount of time and documentation. Until software changes anything, the advantages of employing audit software are apparent.

Internal audit technology has been shown to reduce audit time by reducing the requirement for paper documents, allowing audits to be conducted in hours rather than weeks. When you realize th

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This is a transcription of our interview with Tim Leech, founder and Managing Director at Risk Oversight Solutions.


You can watch the original video interview here or tune in to this episode on our Risk Management Show podcast here or via iTunesSpotify and other podcast apps by searching "Risk Management Show"


Boris: Welcome to our interview with Tim Leech. Tim is a founder and Managing Director at Risk Oversight Solutions. He is one of mover

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In this interview we reviewed how 2020 changed what we do in Risk Management and Governance and what are themes emerging in 2021. The main topics discussed are - What are the key risk areas boards and managers are worried about and want more training on? - How delivery methods are changing and how to combine the remote delivery with high engagement. and more...
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Audit and Compliance Best Practices

Hi Global Risk Community member,

Audits don’t have to be painful.

With the proper project planning and the right tools, audits can become less stressful.

In fact, developing a solid audit program can help your organization become more proactive about compliance and risk mitigation.

The audit experts at Fastpath have put together 7 best practices that will help you improve audit scoping and project management, two key components to an effective overall audit and compliance strategy.


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Hi Global Risk Community member

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to allow their staff to work from home to protect them from exposure to the disease in the workplace. However, working from home exposes businesses to new security risks that might not have been anticipated.

  • How secure are the home networks of your employees?
  • Do your employees know never to run as administrator on their work machine?
  • Does your company have a security program to help employees manage the
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This is a transcript of our recent interview with Frank Vukovits, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Fastpath about 

You can watch the original video interview here

8028338083?profile=originalBoris: Welcome to our Risk management Show interview with Frank Vukovits. Frank is a director of Strategic Partnerships at Fastpath, which is the leader in audit, compliance and security solutions for mid market companies. Frank, thank you for taking your time and coming to our interview today.

Frank: Great to be here. Thank you

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This is a transcript of our interview with Aidan Parisian, VP Customer Strategy at Fastpath

You can watch the original video interview here


8028849888?profile=originalBoris: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our Risk Management Show. In this episode we are talking with Aidan Parisian, Vice President customer strategy at FastPath. FastPath provides a comprehensive suit of software solutions that seamlessly empowers clients to take control of their security, compliance and risk management initiatives and integrat

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This is a transcription of our interview. You can watch the original interview here


Boris: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our interview with Jared Connors. Jared is a senior subject matter expert corporate social responsibility at Assent Compliance, which is the world’s leader in supply chain data management. Jared, thank you for taking your time coming to our interview today.


Jared: Thanks for having me, always a pleasure Boris.


Boris: Thank you, this is our second interview wi

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Keeping up-to-date with legal changes across multiple jurisdictions and international boundaries is a challenge for every business. This on-demand webinar explores how to keep track of only the regulations that matter to your business, and how to ensure individual sites remain compliant.

Watch the webinar here:

In this webinar, in partnership with IsoMetrix, you will learn:

  • 7 steps to perfecting compliance management across a multi-jurisdictional environment
  • How to link risk and consequence to site-
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Learn about the importance of risk assessments and how the process of linking your legal requirements can bring a whole host of benefits.

What is a risk assessment?

A risk assessment is a process in which an employer, or someone competent appointed by an employer, will identify any hazards and evaluate the associated risks within a workplace. This type of risk assessment can be referred to as a HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment). 

In many countries around the world, such as in South A

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Goals and Outcome of Audit Management

Most people fear the word audit- because most of them don’t work in auditing. When we hear that audits are going on in our company, we know that the auditors will be checking everything to make sure things are being done right. We are afraid that they may find a mistake we made and then we will get in trouble because of it. While auditing may seem like a scary process to go through, it is an essential process. Audits allow management to discover key areas of concern and highlight any vulnerabili

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marcus evans will host the 3rd Edition Operational Risk Management and Organizational Transformation for Financial Institutions Conference on September 12-13, 2018 in New York, NY. This annual conference has been one of the most anticipated Operational Risk Management meetings in the industry. This year, we bring together Operational Risk Management & Enterprise Risk Management Professionals to discuss key fundamentals for achieving the utmost efficient operational risk culture. As an expert, in

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marcus evans will host the 12th Edition Model Risk Conference on June 25-27, 2018 in New York. This conference will provide firms with practical tools to enhance infrastructure capabilities and improve model lifecycle management, in order to foster faster responses to changing regulatory demands. Attendees will explore best practices for employing advanced analytics and improving quantitative capabilities to help further optimize model validation techniques. Finally attendees will evaluate the C

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GFMI will host the 11th Edition Model Risk Conference on January 24-26, 2018 in San Francisco, CA. This 11th installment will bring together leading professionals in model risk, model validation, model governance, and in other related roles to help financial firms produce high quality models that are compliant with the regulations. By attending this conference attendees will learn how to enhance model risk management in an evolving inter-agency framework and how other firms are implementing diff

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Anatomy of a Tax Audit

Its that time of year again.  April 15th looms ever larger as small businesses scramble to meet the IRS  tax filing deadline.  For many small businesses, tax filing is handled by a trusted accountant or business adviser. That tends to take the trauma out of this annual exercise in pain.  But even with the help of a tax professional the angst of the season is always a pressing concern.   
The enclosed infographic published by oBizMedia, displays some startling data about audit risk and its cost t
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Deductions and Tax Audit Risk


The filing deadline for filing taxes is fast approaching. Small Mid-Size Business Enterprises (SME) need to be aware of all the deductions afforded to them by the tax code.  
Our friends from Balboa Capital sent us this reminder about the Section 179 Tax Deduction...
...There have been a lot of questions surrounding the Section 179 deduction for 2014*
…According to the IRS, the Section 179 tax deduction limit as of January 1st 2014 is $25,000. This is a sharp drop from last year's limit, but it
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Risk Leadership: 3LoD

Risk Leadership: 3LoD

I saw this abbreviation, 3LoD, in a presentation the other day and it took me a few seconds before I worked out it refers to the Institute of Internal Auditors' whitepaper entitled The Three Lines of Defence. There are some very good aspects to the paper and a few I am not so keen on.

3LoD has a good summary of the different roles and responsibilities of management, risk and compliance teams and internal audit:

  • Managers manage their risks by putting into place processes and s
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Errors in financial models that banks use on a daily basis could lead to tremendous financial and non-financial losses. It is crucial for banks to understand how they could minimize and manage model risk effectively. In addition, the OCC and the Federal Reserve have recently released new guidelines on model risk management, which will significantly modify their existing model risk management practices.


Vilen Abramov, Vice President, Model Risk Control at KeyBank answered a series of questions wr

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The past three years have seen a number of man-made and natural disasters bring risk management demands to the forefront of executives and board directors. Fat-tail risks that have a low probability, but a very high impact to the organization, such as the Japanese tsunami, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill or the euro-zone liquidity crisis, have been front and center, creating a renewed interest in enterprise risk management (ERM) practices.

John Brown, Director, Risk Management, Supply Chain & Techni

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