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Have you really got your companies operational risk framework in check? 

If you ask a risk analyst about their impression of their companies operational risk systems which, we have to admit is a relatively unframed question, it does seem to generate the typical responses that range between: We're totally sorted, It's kind of there and We are not really sure.

Very few people ask "is the operational risk process/system in check?"  

Then of course how do we know whether a company is good at measuring
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modeFinance Overview April 2011

Starting from today it is possible to download (link) the overview about all ratings evaluated by modeFinance during April 2011.
During this month modeFinance evaluted 403'974 companies in 98 countries.
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Managing oil prices is all about preserving margins - which airlines are doing it right?

In volatile commodity markets, a firms ability to profit comes down to one thing; the capability a business has to control the transference of market volatility to margin volatility.  In this article we are going to look at how rising oil prices seem to impact commodity consumers in alternate ways and why investors often misunderstand the impact rising commodity prices have on their investments.
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In the wake of the financial crisis, banks are thinking more strategically than ever before about how to maximize value from their risk management programs. Risk Management has emerged as the clear choice for banks that want to gain a more advanced risk view and utilize the benefits of ERM to improve business performance in both the short and long term.Michael Fadil, SVP, Corporate Risk Management at SunTrust Bank is a speaker at the upcoming Enterprise Risk Management in the Banking Industry Co
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According to Wikipedia, “Best practices can also be defined as the most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results) way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people.”

There are best practices for identifying and mitigating reputation risk in different types of companies as well as best practices for managing reputation as an asset. Please note that not every environment or every company is the same. Y

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The word "insulation" means to protect. This article is will be valuable for any Reputation manager, PR professional, Risk manager and Corporate Affairs executive.

Numerous studies including the Corporate Risk Barometer survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit a few years ago; have shown that the most significant issues facing business today are; reputation risk (defined as the threat of any event that can damage a company's reputation) and regulatory risk (defined as problems caused

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Progress on implementing the G20 Seoul resolve for strengthening global financial stability has recently been reported as being on track.

In this blog article we are going to look at what is being done by whom and when specific deliverables are due. This is a massive mandate for the FSB and it chances on either being globally impacting or partly missing the mark, simply because of the complexity and reach within the program.

Read more by following this link 

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Raser Technologies Files for Bankruptcy

Raser Technologies Inc., based in Provo, is a US - based public company engaged in geothermal power development and technology licensing. According to the news published on April the 29th, the company goes bankrupt (link). Check modeFinance Credit Report (link) on Raser Technologies Inc. out and see the deterioration in the MORE ratings within the years. The ratings got worsened year by year as it was B in 2007 and became CC in 2009.As observed from the report, the profitability indicators have
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With so many risk management standards and government regulations out there that require risk assessments, how should internal audit evaluate the effectiveness of your organization’s risk management program?  How would you apply any one of these frameworks to an audit?  How do you meet the reporting requirements of so many external stakeholders from regulators to investors to customers to rating agencies?

Challenges with using risk management frameworks:

  • Many standards to choose from: COSO, ISO 31
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If you’re considering automating your governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) program there are dozens of choices out there and choosing the one that’s best for your program can be challenging.

While many tools out there can document controls and test compliance, managing enterprise-wide governance, risk, and compliance is about much more.  It’s about adding measurable business value and contributing to the achievement of strategic goals.

To help you separate tools that have simply jumped on the bu

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Black swans or to be precise, living with them is an interesting discussion that Nassim Taleb and Richard Herring have captured and published on the internet.
There are some valid and fascinating points from this chit-chat that I believe are worthy of embellishment and that is what I have taken to do here in this post.
To read more, please follow this link
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It contains articles:

1 - Leading Article: Your name is a Precious Commodity

2 - Thinking Quickly - A Quick Reframe

3 - Some Q & A

4 - Selected Articles of Interest & Concern

5 - Stakeholder Reputation Group on Linkedin

6 - Understanding Reputation Risk

7 - Stakeholder Engagement Social Media Style

8 - Upcoming Training & Speaking events

Access it online: - Please let me know what you think of it.


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Satelites Mexicanos bankruptcy protection

According to the news released by Reuters (link) on Wednesday, April 6, 2011; Satelites Mexicanos S.A. de C.V. (Satmex) filed for bankruptcy protection in a Delaware court. Reuters stated that in court papers, Satmex said it will raise about $325 million in new financing by issuing high yield debt. It will also raise $96.2 million of new equity through a rights issue.
Thanks to the MORE rating evaluation done by modeFinance (link), the company’s deterioration in the credit ratings (in 2009 the MO
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How Basel III impacts counterparty risk

The purpose of the presentation is to look at some of the key hurdles for Basel III but from a counterparty risk perspective.

Key areas which have been covered include some of the following:

» Understand how new requirements of Basel III impact counterparty risk.
» Gain insight into the hurdles for Asian Local Banks & Foreign Banks in Asia.
» Review how the key phases and causal factors of the Global Financial Crisis have been translated into Basel III requirements in the context of Counterparty R

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5 Ways to put Risk Appetite into action

An organization-wide risk appetite can be a powerful statement that gives your risk or compliance program direction.  However, like any policy, risk appetite without accompanying action is nothing more than an idea.

So how do you give your risk appetite teeth?  How do you make it an actionable guide for your organization?

Here are five recommendations to put your risk appetite into practice.

1. Translate risk appetite to the process level.

Every day your front-line managers are making operational de

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A presentation has been released by Causal Capital on how to calculate counterparty risk exposure in a bank.

The approach taken in this presentation is to look at how each department contributes to the overall framework for dimensioning Counterparty Risk measures at both a contractual and aggregated level.

The presentation can be downloaded by following this link.

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The spontaneous revolutions in the Arab countries resulted in the deposing of the despotic regimes in some of them, while in others /Jordan, Syria, Libya/ they grow in scale through armed clashes and mass  peaceful protests aiming the final removal of the discredited rulers. This wave of discontent can possibly incite certain forces in some of these countries to redraw the borders in the region as they were determined with the participation of the European powers in 1916-1922. These borders wer

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Security risks in Abidjan

The situation in Ivory Coast and mainly in the economic capital Abidjan since last year’s presidential elections remains unstable. The newly elected head of state Alassane Ouattara was also recognized by the international community too. In spite of this his predecessor Laurent Gbagbo refuses until now to step down /under the pretext that the elections have been manipulated/ and organizes an armed resistance against the legally elected President. The clashes currently have reached  a decisive pha

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Dear  GlobalRisk Community member,

Many of you recently inquired about tips and suggestions for assisting you in preparing for job interviews. According to a recent report, hiring managers spend 80% of their time evaluating compatibility and only 20% on skill sets during the formal interview process. Understanding how to make an impact during the in-person interview is critical to improving your interview-to-offer ratio. We are happy to share a full webinar recording from Ivy Exec to help you

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