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We Need a Human Economy


Let’s Ditch the Economy of the 1% and Replace it with a Human Economy


Written by:

Winnie Byanyima

Executive Director, Oxfam International

If we want an economy of the 1%, then GDP is very useful. It tells us all we need to know. But if we want an economy that works for us all, we have to pay attention to what it is not telling us.

In the face of a growing inequality crisis, GDP tells us nothing about the distribution of growth. When just 62 people have the same wealth as half the world’s population,

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How Millennials will Save us from our Broken Economic System


Written by:

Henrik Storm Dyrseen

Managing Director, Leksell Social Ventures, Stockholm

In a crisis of economic and political leadership, who should we turn to for a vision of the future, for the rebirth of our society? Turn to the young, for they shall inherit the earth.

A crisis of capitalism and leadership

Capitalism is coming under attack. The way of the free market, with its gospel of globalization and the primacy of growth and GDP as a

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Enrique R. Suarez

International Management Consultant & Professor
Master of Education & International Development

Harvard University -

In the full-grown organization executives have a systems view of their organization. They see interrelationships, not things. They manage things and lead people. Change is a mosaic of processes, methods, materials, equi

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Beyond the Empire of Chaos: Building Ecology into the Economy. Life Capital Value, Base and Measure



Prof. John McMurtry

Global Research, April 18, 2016

Ecological and social science research increasingly demonstrate that ‘globalization’ is not what it seems. It does not produce more prosperity and reduce poverty for the world, but just the opposite. Ever more powerful transnational corporate money sequences multiply through organic, social and ecological life hosts looting and polluting them.  

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Debt, Bank Bailouts and Austerity Measures. Proposal for Radical Change



Eric Toussaint


April 13, 2016

Global Research

April 21, 2016

Nine years after the outbreak of the financial crisis that continues to produce damaging social effects through the austerity policies imposed on victim populations, it’s time to take another look at the commitments that were made at that time by bankers, financiers, politicians and regulatory bodies. Those four players have failed fundamentally in the prom

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Posting Kids' Photos online is illegal

In France, anything is possible. Like getting tossed in jail for posting your children’s photos on Facebook.

Yes indeed, it’s true. People in France can be put behind bars for putting their kids’ pictures on Facebook. Or, they may face heavy fines. This is because the French authorities deem posting kids’ photos online threatens their security.

Parents are being warned about the consequences of this violation. The authorities believe that posting images of one’s kids online can lead to some pretty

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By Jodie Paula Cohen, Producer, Open Data in Finance,

When I first started following the open data initiative, my banking contacts described it as “a major shift in the established business model of the financial services industry”; while alternative lenders and fintech companies spoke passionately about the power of an open API framework to “change everything about the way that we bank and operate our finances.”

This article condenses an intensive research process into t

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Last month, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) investigated Dwolla, an e-commerce and online-payment company. It found Dwolla guilty of risk management negligence regarding data security practices.

The investigation has some significant implications. Before we take a deeper look, here are a few key takeaways:

  1. Dwolla payed a civil penalty of $100,000, despite the fact that it did not suffer a data breach. This indicates “a broader trend among regulators to change the focus of enforceme
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Last year, says the security firm Gemalto, over 700 million records were breached. Or, to put it another way, this translates to two million stolen or lost records every day.

2015 Breach Level Report

  • 1,673 hacking incidents
  • 398 were triggered from the inside of the attacked company: employees and even IT staff who were tricked (social engineering) by hackers into clicking on malicious links or attachments
  • Government agencies suffered the greatest data leaks.
  • Following that were nation states and heal
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Tax Havens Explained With Maps


Tax Havens • Explained With Maps

Apr 19, 2016


Tax havens play an important role in the globalization of capital markets but also threaten their stability and structure. What are the properties of tax havens? When began tax evasion? What do fiscal paradises offer? How profit private persons, companies and the organized crime from tax havens?

There are many names for the same areas: offshore havens, fiscal paradises or tax havens. In a first list from th

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Security Appreciation lacking

What’s it gonna take for companies to crack down on their cybersecurity? What’s holding them back? Why do we keep hearing about one company data breach after another?

Well, there’s just not enough IT talent going around. The irony is that most company higher-ups admit that cybersecurity is very important and can even name specific situations that could compromise security, such as

having multiple vendors vs. only a single vendor; not having quality-level encryption in place; allowing employees to

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“I say the 21st century is a terrible time to be a control freak”

I recently read this Knowledge @Wharton interview “‘Industries of the Future’: Alec Ross Unveils the Winners”. At the end of the interview Ross says, “I say the 21st century is a terrible time to be a control freak. One of the key things is to give up on the kind of control that you’re most comfortable with and begin to understand that a lot of the ground shifting under your feet is going to shift whether you like it or not and to

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I want a Cell Phone Jammer

Well, we certainly can’t blame Dennis Nicholl for breaking the law. Frankly, had I been nearby him when he did it, I would have kept silent and let him continue breaking the law—unless, of course, I was engaged in some loud, planet-moving discussion with a world leader.

Nicholl, 63, was recently on a Chicago subway train. He brought with him a cell phone jammer. Unfortunately for Nicholl that day, Keegan Goudie was on the same train. Goudie is a blogger, noticed the infraction and began blogging

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Stop clicking on e-mails about your package delivery! Scam, scam, scam! Look, it’s simple:

  • Scammers are also pretending to be from the DHL and FedEx shipping companies, not just UPS.
  • Crooks know that at any given time, thousands and thousands of U.S. people are waiting for a package delivery.
  • So these cyber thieves send out mass e-mails by the millions, knowing that they will reach a lot of people who are expecting a package.
  • The subject line of these e-mails says something about “your delivery” or
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The Risk Americas series returns to NYC next month for the 5th Annual Risk and Regulation Convention set to take place on May 3-4, 2016 at the Hilton Midtown. Risk Americas traditionally brings together senior financial risk and regulation professionals from around the globe to address critical challenges within financial risk management. Following extensive research conducted by the Center for Financial Professionals, the Risk Americas 2016 agenda now features CROs from AQR Capital, Lazard Grou

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Shred your Boarding Pass

Apparently there are people who take pictures of their airplane boarding pass…and post it online. I’m dead serious. I’ve heard of toddlers getting excited over scraps of paper, but full-grown adults posting images of their boarding pass online? Don’t get me started.

Let’s just only say that this is incredulously absurd. Like, who cares about your bleepity bleep boarding pass, right? OK, you got bumped up to First class. SAVE IT. Well wait a minute. Fraudsters care.

Fraudsters also care about the b

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Mahatma Gandhi was asked,

what are the factors that destroy and build a person.


He replied:

Politics without principles, 

Pleasure without obligation, 

Wealth without work, 

Wisdom without character, 

Business without morality, 

Science without humanity
Prayer without charity,
Destroy the person.


Life has taught me that
people are friendly, if I am kind; 

people are sad, if I’m sad; 

they are all bad, if I hate them; 

there are smiling faces, if I were to smile; 

sour faces out ther

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The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless

The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless

The War on Savings: The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless


Posted on April 10, 2016 by Ellen Brown

The Web of Debt Blog

Exposing tax dodgers is a worthy endeavor, but the “limited hangout” of the Panama Papers may have less noble ends, dovetailing with the War on Cash and the imminent threat of massive bail-ins of depositor funds.

The bombshell publication of the “Panama Papers,” leaked from a Panama law firm specializing in

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The Identity Protection PIN tool on the site has been temporarily suspended—because it was recently hacked into. The tool provides retrieval of forgotten or lost IP PINs to users who want an extra layer of protection against identity theft.

But some users who received the IP PINs recently via the online tool learned that a thief had used their IP PIN to file tax returns in their name.

So now, for the moment, you cannot use the IRS’s online function to retrieve your IP PIN; meanwhile, the I

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The Panama Papers: Why Iceland?


The Panama Papers: Why Iceland?


Written by:

Gearoid O Colmain

The most unusual aspect of this week’s ‘Panama Papers’ scandal was the appearance of the Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson alongside the West’s favourite ‘bad guys’, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. 

Iceland rarely makes world headlines and for most people this was probably the first time they had ever seen the country’s Prime Minister. There is a goo

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