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Nudging the CFO

8028339277?profile=originalCan you make a difference with measurement if the culture of your organisation is one that does not respect, let alone crave data? In my experience it is tough to go hard against the grain of an organisation’s culture. The better way is to nudge it.

How might you nudge it? Culture change can start from outside the executive team but ultimately it has to be adopted by a key executive and then the whole executive. So no better place to start than with the strategic risks of your organisation.

How do

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Video: The Corona Fraud Scandal: “Crimes against Humanity”. Corrupt Agenda, International Class Action Lawsuit

Millions of people around the World are victims of the fear campaign. Panic prevails. Day after day, the persistent impact of media disinformation concerning the Killer Virus is overwhelming. 

Fear and panic, coupled with outright lies prevent people from understanding the logic of these far-reaching economic and social policies.


An inte

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This is a transcription of our interview with Nelson Hendler, CEO at Maryland Clinical Diagnositcs and Diagnostic Risk Management.

You can watch or listen to the interview on our Risk Management podcast here or via any podcast app.



You can watch or listen to the interview on our Risk Management podcast here or via any podcast app.

8028339479?profile=originalBoris: Welcome to the Risk Management Show. I am Boris Agranovich, founder and CEO at Global Risk Community.

In this episode I'm talking with Nelson Hendler CEO at

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Due to time, cost and loss of productivity required to deliver a KYC remediation project, many firms delay activity or avoid the challenge altogether until the regulator comes to call. 

However, with the current market volatility and increasing levels of financial crime, sitting on a back-book of inaccurate or out-dated client data will expose your business to significant commercial risk and reputational damage. 

Although the future remains uncertain - one thing is for sure: remediation and period

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8028338271?profile=originalOne of the most popular  tool among executives is the SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix).  However, sometimes assessing the organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats is not enough to set the direction for the planning process or to implement Business Transformation.


An alternative framework to SWOT analysis is the Strategic Goals Grid (SGG).  The SGG gives planners a different perspective to view the organization, the direction it has taken, the course that the collective wisd

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Every bank must contend with risks. When we use the work risk in our daily lives it is usually a bad thing. We may tell someone to not do something because there is a risk attached. Businesses, however, think of the work risk differently. Risk isn’t something to be avoided, it is something that is inevitable and the only thing that businesses can do is manage and mitigate risks. This may seem like a strange approach to risks but when you think about it from the context of inherent risk it all ma

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an assessment to imitate human intelligence into the technology of computers. The capacity of AI in medication has been communicated and proved by different experts in the industry. The capacity of AI techniques in medication and diagnosis are many. 


Firstly, it gives an exploration center for the appraisal, association, representation, and classifying of clinical data. Secondly, it produces new instruments to support the dynamics of clinical, training, and researc

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5 Million Cases Worldwide, 650,000 Deaths Annually: The Seasonal Flu Virus is a “Serious Concern”, But the Wuhan Coronavirus Grabs the Headlines

Tom Clifford Reporting from Beijing

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Introduction about OpenAM

OpenAM provides a service called access management, which oversees access to resources, for example, a website page, an application, or web service, accessible over the network. When it is set up, OpenAM gives an infrastructure to manage clients, roles, and access to resources. The centralization of Access control is done by OpenAM. This is done by handling both authentication and authorization. Authentication can be considered as a process of distinguishing a person, f

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How Democracies Can Claim Back Power In The Digital World

Technology companies have taken many aspects of tech governance from democratically elected leaders. It will take an international effort to fight back.

September 29, 2020

Should Twitter censor lies tweeted by the US president? Should YouTube takedown COVID-19 misinformation? Should Facebook do more against hate speech? Such questions, which crop up daily in media coverage, can make it seem as

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After Reading the Below Article I can Say One More Time that "The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living" (SOCRATES)

Video: The Covid-19 “Second Wave”. “Red Zones”, Travel Bans, Quarantines, “Red Lists”


“Red zones”, travel bans, quarantines, “red lists”. A “Second Wave” has been announced.  The fear campaign has gone into overdrive.  Drastic state measures are contemplated, including restrictions on social gatherings, marriages, funerals, the closing down of restaurants and bars, the outright paralys

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Here’s What You Need to Know about Thermal Interface Materials and why it is making a wave in the industries. As we are living in the 21st century, the world of digitalization, there is huge utilization of smartphones, tablets, desktops, and laptops. This tends to increase the manufacturing of such devices and all these electronic devices are installed with Thermal Interface Materials to protect them from the damaging effect of the heat produced by them. The growing automotive industry in develo

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Getting under the skin of Mr Assume

8028335696?profile=originalBack in 2015, McKinsey published a paper on the future of risk management in the banking sector. At the time I sent it to many of my clients in other sectors because of its very important messages, including this one in their summary:

“Bank risk management will likely look dramatically different by 2025, when it has become a core part of banks’ strategic planning, a close collaborator with business heads, and a centre of excellence in analytics and de-biased decision making.”

The paper includes co

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Open Banking has the potential to play a pivotal role in Canada’s economic recovery according to financial services and fintech pioneers speaking at Open Banking Expo Canada this November 3–5.

Returning for a second year as a three-day virtual event, delegates will access informative bite-sized sessions hosted by the innovators, disruptors and visionaries who are driving forward the consumer directed finance movement.

The program is now live at

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Risk and compliance experts occupy a niche industry. They have specialized knowledge and experience, and this knowledge is highly valued in the financial services industry. However, there is a major change coming in risk and compliance. Both have largely been handled manually be experts in smaller organizations. Your risk and compliance experts would be the framework that would help the organization ensure compliance while lowering risks. Automation, however, has changed the equation by taking o

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This is a transcription of our interview with Shubhradeep (Shub) Nandi, CEO of PiChain.

You can watch or listen to the interview on our Risk Management podcast here or via any podcast app.



Boris. Welcome to the Risk Management Show. I am Boris Agranovich founder and CEO at Global Risk Community. In this episode we are talking with Shub Nandi, founder of PiChain which is a RegTech company on a mission to make compliance sustainable. It develops a deep tech system that can provide, practically l

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Hi Global Risk Community member

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to allow their staff to work from home to protect them from exposure to the disease in the workplace. However, working from home exposes businesses to new security risks that might not have been anticipated.

  • How secure are the home networks of your employees?
  • Do your employees know never to run as administrator on their work machine?
  • Does your company have a security program to help employees manage the
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There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications across the financial services industry. With some institutions facing up to restructuring, and customer expectations evolving, the need to embrace digital transformation and new solutions has never been more apparent.

In a recent report, McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) analysed the future of the European banking sector after the pandemic, and this underlined just how important it will be to look to technology in the mo

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8028340270?profile=originalStrategy and execution are the 2 critical elements that drive a business.  However, leaders often struggle even with defining—let alone devising and executing—an effective strategy.  Many of those who are responsible to deal with it fall short of describing how they typically employ it.  This failure takes its roots from the fact that there is no clear path associated with strategy.

Strategy is about making sound decisions about unforeseen problems.  It’s about selecting the right options—about m

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