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Connected Claims Europe 2018 returns to London this October (29th & 30th) to welcome 250+ senior insurance claims executives. The event is focussed on uncovering how insurers are taking steps to re-engineer the claims function to raise operational efficiency and improve customer experience.


Now is the time for claims to realise the potential that technology offers to satisfy the high expectations of the modern client and drive operational efficiency. The claims process is changing for the better

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8028276073?profile=originalIn recent blogs I have been urging you to stand in the shoes of those you wish to influence. Recently I read a blog by futurist Gihan Perera that gave another reason to urge you on. In his blog There’s an ‘I’ in Team he reminds us that the young new entrants to our workforce have a very different WIIFM (What’s in it for me?) than new entrants of past decades. Gihan talks about their wishes including the need for identity and personal development. 

So they won’t care what you think unless you can

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Oracle ADF - Java EE Development made simpler

Oracle ADF (Application Development Framework) is an end to end Java EE framework and open-source technologies to simplify and advances in implementing enterprise applications. It is relevant for enterprise developers who wants to create applications that search, modify, create, display and validate data using web, wireless, mobile and desktop interfaces.

What is ADF ?

ADF is the Java EE Application Development Framework from Oracle which allows developers to develop rich, firm standard Java web a

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One Day Company Incorporation- Analysis

Introduction - One Day Company Incorporation

The procedure for company incorporation is provided under Section 7 of the Companies Act, 2013. Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 which came into effect from 1st April 2014 was framed by the Central Government for the purpose of company incorporation. There are Rules prescribing various Forms that are to be used for the incorporation of a Company.

With the introduction of Companies Incorporation Fourth Amendment Rules 2016, with effect from 02/10/20

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Out of the mouths of Belgians


The expression ‘Out of the mouths of babes’ recognises children’s unique ability to cut through layers of adult rationalisation to express something fundamentally wise and true. Here I want to substitute Belgians for babes. 

Last week I wrote about standing in the shoes of those you wish to influence. I confess, I have written about it before. And when I did one of my regular readers, who lives in Belgium and is Belgian, replied. Take it away Didier Verstichel:

'In French we have a saying. Before

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8028274101?profile=originalSince 2015, Chipotle has suffered multiple scandals of food-borne illness. The latest Chipotle outbreak has left more than 700 people ill. What does the Mexican grill have yet to learn?

In my last blog, “Hey, Chipotle, Can You Say Risk Management Rehab?” I took a look at the company’s timeline, and more specifically asked the question as to whether changing their CEO structure twice in less than two years was really the answer to their spicy woes.

This latest Chipotle outbreak, which has been ongo

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In the last few years, the Government of the USA has considered stopping the need for listed companies to report their results on a quarterly basis. In the recent elections, Ms Hillary Clinton made a strong pitch to move away from Quarterly Capitalism and Mr Bernie Sanders endorsed expert opinion on the ill-effects of quarterly capitalism. Three primary factors that drive the vote against quarterly reporting are (1) it imposes short term view of business and when coupled with short term governme

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Compliance management systems are becoming a common sight in the financial sector, not just because of how well they perform, but also because of the excellent ROI on them. If your organization is worried about the costs of implementing a compliance management solution, here are 3 reasons they shouldn’t be.

Compliance related fines and damages are reduced

The most obvious and the most direct effect is on compliance-related fines. When regulatory bodies find a compliance issue and determine that th

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GDPR Readiness: How Do You Stack Up?

8028273687?profile=originalThe GDPR is the strictest set of data protection rules any nation has published, featuring some of the most severe penalties connected to data privacy seen yet. Now that the compliance deadline has passed, we started to wonder about GDPR readiness. How are companies stacking up to the new regulation?

We compiled a host of GDPR statistics to answer that exact question, alongside some quick facts about what this new regulation is asking of international companies. 92% of US-based multi-national com

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Complimentary Financial Risk and Regulation Publication – Written by the Industry, for the Industry…


Risk Insights Magazine, Issue Eight (70+ pages of articles, interviews and video insights).


Issue Eight features insights on:

Technology Innovation | Regulatory challenges | Vendor & third-party risk | Operational risk | IFRS 17 | Liquidity risk.


With authors from the industry’s leading Financial Institutions, including:

Prudential | UBS | HSBC | Nordea | Barclays | National Fraud Intelligence Bure

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8028275300?profile=originalIt is a slightly cryptic clue. I love the way you just have to have a peak at my blog when I come up with an interesting enough title! I’ll give you a bit more of the clue. She played Belle in the movie Beauty and the Beast. Now to my point.

The quest for the secret to influence and persuasion has an ancient history. However, the overriding ingredient is trust. And you can only influence well and build trust if you truly understand the situation of those you wish to influence. To understand the s

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marcus evans will host the 2nd Annual Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book Conference on December 5-7, 2018 in New York. This conference will give banks the practical insight to optimize their interest rate risk management strategies in an uncertain economic environment. Firms will gain insight into the regulatory priorities and concerns surrounding the proposed IRRBB regulation in order to streamline their strategies to position themselves for compliance. Delegates will also advance their ALM

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Your stand-alone third-party risk management platform delivers significant value by centralizing risk-related processes, standardizing workflows, and capturing key documentation for due diligence and regulatory compliance. 

But your third-party relationships don’t exist in a vacuum. By integrating your platform with other systems, you can augment your risk management process with richer data and extend its reach across your business — without increasing your workload.

Read Automated Integrations f

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Your Antiviral for INFLUENceENZA

8028275665?profile=originalWhile vaccines create antibodies to protect you from influenza, antivirals tackle a flu virus once it has overcome your defences. 

When it comes to influencing the business, all support functions suffer from some form of INFLUENceENZA. It is when the business looks at the support function and perceives its policies and processes as red tape rather than the valuable business enabler they are. Unfortunately too many support functions in the past have generated useless red tape and have caused these

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Criminals have a reliance on tricking victims to get access to account information, like passwords. This is known as social engineering, and is also called a “confidence crime.” These come in many forms:

Do Not Take the Bait of These Phishermen

  • A phishing email that targets a specific person is known as spear-phishing. A spear-phishing email looks like an email that might come from a legitimate company to a specific person. For example, a thief might send a fake email to a company’s employee who h
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8028272266?profile=originalRisk management in the insurance business is a bit of a head scratcher. On the one hand, insurance companies are selling what many people consider to be a risk mitigation. On the other hand, insurance companies themselves face a variety of risks they need to mitigate.

Let’s briefly consider a misconception about insurance as it pertains to risk management. Too often, people think insurance is a sufficient, catch-all control activity. But while insurance is a perfect way to protect a business from

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The insurance industry is entering an age of disruption and digital transformation. Bespoke products and personalized outreach will soon be the new norm, and insurance carriers will see pivotal changes powered by AI solutions.


With new technologies enabling both operational efficiency and a superior customer experience, from artificial intelligence to drones and mobile customer communication methods, we are proud to announce that nominations have opened in 2018 Insurance Nexus Canadian Awards. T

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Operational risk and its supporting software play a critical role in an organization; but how can its activities add value along the way?
Have a look at the White Paper: Operational Risk and Supporting Software and learn from recent trends in operational risk, risk management and GRC software to support risk identification, assessment, consolidation, and more.

==>  Learn more

What are your thoughts on this topic? Please share in the comments

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Pulling on Heart Strings

Last week I wrote that to be as persuasive as you can be, you should stop pushing and start pulling. I took Robert Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion, reworded and rearranged them a tad and then put them in a hierarchical order of persuasiveness.           

                                                                                                             Cialdini's Six Principles of Persuasion - Reworked

In my book, Winning Conversations: How to turn red tape into blue ribbon, I te

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8028273264?profile=originalMichigan State University has employed a new Chief Compliance Officer in response to the Larry Nassar scandal. By creating an Office of Enterprise Risk Management within the university, MSU is getting on the right track.

Earlier this year, former MSU doctor and USA gymnastics coach Larry Nassar was charged with sexually assaulting 332 students. Shortly after this story broke, Michigan State was embroiled in two other sexual harassments scandals and has since struggled to escape the spotlight.


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