Your current business applications are costing you time, money and resources, not to mention the negative impact to your productivity. You've heard about tens of thousands of companies like yours flocking to cloud computing and gaining flexibility, productivity, efficiency, accessibility and cost-savings. But how do you avoid costly mistakes? In the white paper "Evaluating and Contracting for Cloud Financials", you'll find practical advice and tips to ensure the choice you make is right for your
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This white paper presents a low risk, high impact approach to gaining control of regulatory compliance. The procedures, tasks, and behaviors that bear upon compliance can be overwhelming. Yet organizations that can master these activities, operate more efficiently, compete more effectively, and build their brands. Learn how Governance, Risk, and Compliance technologies can help.
Learn more: ===⇒
The Chancellor George Osborne has warned the European Union that Britain will refuse to sign up to "idiotic" proposals under Basel III.
George Osborne has warned the European Union that Britain will refuse to sign up to "idiotic" proposals that would water down tough international rules on bank capital.
This is a very concerning development and quite astounding actually. Let's ponder on the drop out of the UK from Basel III, just as a idea for a moment: [click here to continue reading]
Mid-April I was lucky to get to the Global Derivatives Trading and Risk Management conference. It is the world's biggest annual event devoted to financial derivatives. In the past few years, the conference was held in Paris; for a change, this year it took place in Barcelona.
The conference was packed with talks, round tables and networking breaks. To help the delegates make the most of it, each day of the conference was split in four streams running in parallel. Each stream was covering a specif
Managing a profitable balance sheet is more challenging than ever. With Basel III and the more immediate Dodd-Frank regulation on the horizon, a tool such as FTP is vital to ensure an effective centrally managed liquidity strategy. Post-crisis, whilst the economic situation is improving, allocating sufficient liquidity costs quickly and efficiently to the correct business-line is paramount.
Kent Westerbeck formed the Westerbeck Risk Management consulting company in 2007 after retiring from LaSall
Although most organizations are taking stronger measures to protect their data, significant gaps still exist at the very core - their databases. Many don't have a comprehensive database security strategy to defend against sophisticated attacks, track sensitive data, or even meet emerging regulatory requirements.
In addition, organizations tend to focus on detective controls rather than preventive measures when it comes to database security.
By contrast, Forrester finds that by implementing a c
One of the most important measures of a firm's performance is its return on assets. This is such a critical metric for businesses, that whole schools of thought have been created around the metric to allow a business to easily control and smooth its working capital costs.
There are actually three recognised models that are at the heart of a cash management exercise and they are loosely referenced as Miller-Orr, The Baumol Model and Stone. They are of course very similar in nature and nothing is u
Risk and Issue are two words that are often confused when it comes to their usage. Actually there is some difference between them. The word ‘risk’ is used in the sense of ‘chance’. On the other hand, the word ‘issue’ is used in the sense of ‘matter’.
Uh-Oh! This is a show-stopper. We can’t complete the project on time because the server needed won’t be available for another month! What can we do now?
This is not a new problem for Project Managers to have encountered. Is this a risk or an issue?
The goal of every ERM program is to assess material risk down to where the risk activity takes place, which typically means extending to front line management, and aggregate this information to an objective, accurate, and holistic picture applicable for each stakeholder, including the board. However without ERM software, risk management programs cannot reach this level.
With the high cost of traditional licensing for ERM/GRC software, combined with the skepticism among senior management on what
Following the recent launch of Strategy & Risk Studio, Manigent have released a lite version of the application to allow users to download the product free of charge!
Strategy & Risk Studio is a one-of-a-kind application enabling consultants and practitioners to design and define an organisation’s enterprise performance management, enterprise risk management and/or strategy and risk management models. The tool is based on the Risk-Based Performance Management approach, which integrates best prac
When it comes to central clearing houses and regulation, it has been a hive of activity this year.
Literally every jurisdiction is in the midst of trying in someway to fit swap contracts from the OTC domain into a clearing house. It appears however, that some clearing houses seem to be having better luck at doing this than others.
For those interested in a quick update of global developments, please follow this link.
Banking today is viewed upon by the customers it is designed to serve as sick.
Theoretically bankers have lost the plot it seems but I am not really sure they ever had the plot to begin with, why is that?
Banking needs to move beyond Global banking to Global-Local or Glocal banking. It needs to find the WHY we bank rather than HOW.
You can read more by following this link
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Riesgo de que la clave para el futuro de exploración de cobre
Por Josefina Mason
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Las grandes mineras de cobre necesario para la exploración de nuevos yacimientos en los destinos más riesgosos para compensar caída de la producción de las minas de envejecimiento y para satisfacer la creciente demanda de metal refinado, y es probable que tenga que hacer todo el trabajo ellos mismos en lugar de
En el presente articulo se detallan una serie de acciones y/o recomendaciones conducentes a que los ingenieros iniciemos la implementación de nuevas metodologías, tales como: Gerencia de Proyectos simultáneamente con la Gestión de Calidad y los Costos de Calidad, de esta forma se espera que las probabilidades de éxito de los proyectos se incremente, y como consecuencia la eficiencia de las inversiones en los proyectos aumentarán para beneplácito de todos los que sostenemos este país media
Por: Maximiliano Rodríguez Fernández
Consideraciones Finales.
- Los proyectos de construcción e infraestructura son riesgosos por naturaleza. Ello Genera la necesidad de establecer políticas de manejo y administración de riesgo adecuada a las necesidades de cada proyecto.
- Las dificultades de los participantes en los proyectos de construcción e infraestructura surgen, en la mayoría de los
What is the most serious cyber threat at present?
Phishing, Trojans, cross site scripting, SQL Injection or other?
FSA warns FCA may change discretionary firms
The FSA has in recent months warned the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which will take over conduct regulation when the FSA is split by the end of the year, will take a more aggressive approach to intervening in the design of financial products. Linda Woodall, head of the savings and investments department at the FSA, told Investment Adviser that “some development” may be required from discretionary fund managers (DFMs) in particular under the FC
Wondering whether a company is going well or bad? If it is large or small? If it is profitable? Thanks to s-peek it is now possible to understand these easily.
s-peek is the unique free mobile application that allows you to understand and assess the economic reliability of each company in Europe (from Portugal to Russia, from Finland to Turkey).
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